大地湾遗址-出土文物精粹 本书特色
大地湾遗址-出土文物精粹 内容简介
大地湾遗址-出土文物精粹 目录
目 录遗址概况…………………………………………1introduction of the dadiwan site 大地湾遗址位置示意图…………………………………………3location of the dadiwan site 大地湾遗址概况…………………………………………4introduction of the dadiwan site 大地湾博物馆…………………………………………10the dadiwan museum 六项考古之*……………………………………13the six earliests of dadiwan archaeology 中国*早的旱作农业标本…………………………………………15 the earliest rain-fed farming evidence in china 中国*早的彩陶…………………………………………16t the earliest painted pottery in china中国*早的文字雏形…………………………………………17the earliest character in china 中国*早的宫殿式建筑…………………………………………18the earliest palace architecture in china中国*早的混凝土地面…………………………………………20the earliest cement floor in china 中国*早的绘画…………………………………………21the earliest painting in china精品文物赏析…………………………………………23case appreciation of precious relics 大地湾一期文化……………………………………………25 the dadiwan phase one relics 大地湾二期文化………………………………………37 the dadiwan phase two relics 大地湾三期文化……………………………………82 the dadiwan phase three relics 大地湾四期文化……………………………………94 the dadiwan phase four relics 大地湾五期文化……………………………………124 the dadiwan phase five relics 后记………………………………………………………131 afterword
大地湾遗址-出土文物精粹 作者简介