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  2020-05-21 00:00:00  

名家讲中国绘画名作 本书特色


名家讲中国绘画名作 内容简介


名家讲中国绘画名作 目录

the value of literati paintingsgu kaizhi’s painting of ode to goddess luozhan ziqian and his painting spring outinghan gan and his painting herding horseshan huang and his painting five oxengu hongzhong’s painting han xizai eveningbanquetzhou wenju’s playing chess by doublescreensxu xi, huang quan and “non-outlinedpaintings”landscape paintings by fan kuanwang qihan’s man cleaning his earxiao and xiang rivers of dong yuanstories about the painting along the riverduring the qingming festivalwen tong and his bamboo paintingsthe two mis and three zhaosemperor huizong and academy painting of thesong dynastyli bai’s image in liang kai’s paintinga brief analysis of ma lin’s listening tothe wind in the pinessecrets of plum blossom paintings of thesong and yuan dynastiesfour master painters in late yuan dynastyhuang gongwang and his painting nine peaksclearing after snowon wang meng’s ge zhichuan resettlementfu shan’s piled rocks on hillsbada shanren and his flower-and-birdpaintingsself-portrait of jin nongren bonian’s birds-hunting in the autumnwu changshuo and his plum paintings

名家讲中国绘画名作 作者简介


