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  2020-05-22 00:00:00  

简明西方文化史 内容简介


简明西方文化史 目录

two prologue poems
introd u c tio n
part one
articles selected for specific topics, themes and events
an opening article
unit one
  1. cultural theory and cultural studies
  2. culture, a broad humanistic concept
  3. history, a riddle for humans
unit two
  1. west is not a directional concept alone
  2. western culture and its deep implications
unit three
  1. religion, a human spiritual pillar and faith
  2. judaism, a mother religion of some religions
  3. christianity, a spiritual rock of the west
  4. religious reformation, a milestone event
  that paved the way for the rise of
  western capitalism and power
unit four
  1. roman empire, the first western power
  2. hellenistic civilization, a beauty of the west
  3. greek mythology, a treasure of the west
unit five
  1. colonialism, a global expansion idea
  2. capitalism, a crazy devil for angels
unit six
  1. renaissance: a turning point for the west
  2. the enlightenment, an age of soul liberation
  3. post-modernity (pomo), a rebellious movement
unit seven
  1. commercial revolution, in hot pursuit of wealth
  2. industrial revolution, a driving force for society
  3. scientific revolution, a miraculous instrument for
  the rise of the west and its leadership
  4. science and scientific spirit
  5. information revolution or explosion
unit eight
  1. a history of economic ideas, a key for wealth
  2. a history of political philosophy of the west
unit nine
  1. the culture of the united states
  2. a book excerpt illustrating cultural contradictions ofmodern capitalism
  3. introduction to and postscript of a book entitled
  american culture since ww ⅱ by paul levine
unit ten
  an understanding of western culture
unit eleven
  the millennium of the west, a golden age?
unit twelve
  an introduction to the clash of civilizations
  western culture: a beast and a beauty?
part two
  special case study
part three
exercises for the textbook
appendix i
appendix ⅱ
postscript/final remarks for the whole textbook  简明西方文化史
