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  2020-07-13 00:00:00  

基于自激振荡流的气力输送颗粒运动特性-(英文版) 本书特色


基于自激振荡流的气力输送颗粒运动特性-(英文版) 目录

人为屏蔽新品量为:1306品1 Introduction
1.1 PneumaticConveying
1.1.1Characteristics of pneumatic conveying
1.1.3 Systemponents
1.1.4 Systemrequirements
1.1.5 Mode ofpneumatic conveying图书新品到货数量为:1842品 图书新品完成量为:581品 音像新品完成量为:0品 封面完成量为:1234幅 插图完成量为:5163幅 拍图完成量为:0幅 CIP完成量为:2160品 人为屏蔽新品量为:1306品1 Introduction 1.1 Pneumatic Conveying 1.1.1 Characteristics of pneumatic conveying 1.1.2 Applicatiofields 1.1.3 System ponents 1.1.4 System requirements 1.1.5 Mode of pneumatic conveying 1.1.6 Basic pneumatic conveying systems 1.1.7 System selectioconsiderations 1.1.8 Material property influences 1.1.9 Conveying capability 1.2 Review of Pneumatic Conveying 1.2. 1 Review oenergy-saving techniques 1.2.2 Review ocharacteristics of particle motion 1.3 Background of this Book 1.4 The Purpose of this Book 2 Experimental Apparatus and Procedure 2.1 Experimental Apparatus 2.2 Conveying Materials 2.3 Soft Fins 3 A Horizontal Energy-Saving Pneumatic Conveying System with Horizontally Mounted Soft Fins 3.1 The Purpose of this Chapter 3.2 Frequency Features of Fin's Oscillation 3.3 Pressure Drop 3.3.1 Particles ofdp = 2.3 mm 3.3.2 Particles ofdp = 3.3 ram 3.4 Minimum Conveying Velocity 3.5 Power ConsumptioCoefficient 3.5.1 Particles ofdp =2.3 ram 3.5.2 Particles of dp= 3.3 mm 3.6 Particle Flow Pattern 3.7 Additional Pressure Drop Coefficient 3.7.1 Particles of dp =2.3 mm 3.7.2 Particles of dp = 3.3 mm 3.8 Summary 4 A Horizontal Energy-Saving Pneumatic Conveying System with Vertically Mounted Soft Fins 4.1 The Purpose of this Chapter 4.2 Frequency Features of Fin's Oscillation 4.3 Pressure Drop 4.3.1 Particles of dp = 2.3 mm 4.3.2 Particles of dp =3.3 mm 4.4 The Minimum Conveying Velocity 4.5 Power ConsumptioCoefficient 4.5.1 Particles of dp = 2.3 mm 4.5.2 Particles of dp = 3.3 mm 4.6 Particle Flow Pattern 4.7 Additional Pressure Drop Coefficient 4.7.1 Particles of dp =2.3 mm 4.7. 2 Particles of dp= 3.3 mm 4.8 Summary 5 Characteristics of Particle Motioia Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying with Horizontally Mounted Soft Fins 5.1 High-Speed PIV Imaging Set-Up and Procedure 5.2 Measurement Method of Particle Concentration 5.3 Profiles of ParticLe Concentration 5.3.1 Particle concentratioof the particles dp = 2.3 mm 5.3.2 Particle concentratioof the particles dp = 3.3 mm 5.4 Profiles of Particle Velocity 5.4.1 Axial ponent of particle velocity 5.4.2 Vertical ponent of particle velocity 5.5 Particle FluctuatioVelocity 5.5.1 Spectral characteristics of particle fluctuating velocity 5.5.2 Auto-correlatiocoefficients of particle fluctuatiovelocity 5.5.3 Two-point fluctuatiovelocity correlation 5.5.4 Intensities of particle fluctuatiovelocity 5.5.5 Skewness factor of particle fluctuatiovelocity 5.5.6 Probability density functioof particle fluctuatiovelocity 5.6 Summary 6 Characteristics of Particle Motioia Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying with Vertically Mounted Soft Fins 6.1 Profiles of Particle Concentration 6.1.1 Particle concentratioof the particles dp = 2. 3 mm 6.1.2 Particle concentratioof the particles dp = 3.3 mm 6.2 Profiles of Time-Averaged Particle Velocity 6.2.1 Axial ponent of time-averaged particle velocity 6.2.2 Vertical ponent of time-averaged particle velocity 6.3 Particle FluctuatioVelocity 6.3.1 Spectral characteristics of particle fluctuating velocity 6.3.2 Auto-correlatiocoefficients of particle fluctuatiovelocity 6.3.3 Two-point fluctuatiovelocity correlation 6.3.4 Intensities of particle fluctuatiovelocity 6.4 Summary 7 Conclusions References Index信息 基于自激振荡流的气力输送颗粒运动特性-(英文版)
