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  2020-07-13 00:00:00  

美国数学建模竞赛同济大学优秀论文选评-(下) 本书特色

截止到2013年,同济大学在美国数学建模竞赛中获得benfusaro奖及入围奖1项,一等奖13项,二等奖25项,三等奖42项。本书正是精选了这些获奖论文中具有代表性的论文,每篇论文都按照竞赛论文的写作要求包含了论文的摘要、问题重述、问题分析、模型假设、模型建立和求解、模型分析和检验、模型评价等内容,在论文前列出原题,编者还在论文后给出了简要的点评,以供读者参考。   同济大学数学建模组主编的《美国数学建模竞赛同济大学优秀论文选评》可供参加美国数学建模竞赛的学生学习和阅读,对于从事数学建模课程教学及指导工作的老师也有一定的参考价值,也可供相关学科的技术人员参考。

美国数学建模竞赛同济大学优秀论文选评-(下) 目录

**部分 mcm 2013年b题
**章 赛题:water,water,everywhere
第二章 论文:make water everywhere
 §2.1 problem restatement
 §2.2 basic assumptions
 §2.3 models and methodology
 §2.4 model sensitivity
 §2.5 strengths and weakness
 §2.6 report
第二部分 icm 2013年
第三章 赛题:network modeling of earth’s health
第四章 论文1:global network model based oil eco-dynamics
 §4.1 introduction
 §4.2 methodology
 §4.3 evaluation method of health measure
 §4.4 assessment indicators
 §4.5 strengths and weakness
第五章  论文2:a double layer network predicting the future 0f worid heaith
 §5.1 introduction
 §5.2 methodology
 §5.3 the model
 §5.4 sensitivity analysis
 §5.5 strengths and weaknesses
 §5.6 model improvement
 §5.7 conclusions
第六章 论文3:diagnosing the world’s health
 §6.1 introduction
 §6.2 basic assumptions
 §6.3 model set—up
 §6.4 model evaluation and conclusions
第三部分 mcm 2012年b题
第七章 赛题:camping along the big long river
第八章 论文1:optimal rafting schedule for river manager
 §8.1 introduction
 §8.2 restatement of the problem
 §8.3 problem analysis
 §8.4 assumptions
 §8.5 model and solution
 §8.6 evaluation of the model
 §8.7 conclusions
 §8.8 memo
第九章 论文2:camping model along the big long river
 §9.1 introduction
 §9.2 models
 §9.3 memo to the managers
 §9.4 to managers of the river
第十章  论文3:camping along the big long river
 §10.1 introduction
 §10.2 assumptions
 §10.3 analysis and solution of the model
 §10.4 analysis of the results
 §l 0.5 modd evaluation
 §10.6 key findings
第十一章 论文4:camping model along the big long river
 §11.1 introduction
 §11.2 assumptions
 §1 1.3 detective method
 §11.4 evaluation
 §11.5 an optimal schedule
 §1 1.6 strength and weaknesses
 §1 1.7 introduction of“detective package”
第四部分 mcm 2011年b题
第十二章 赛题:repeater coordination
第十三章  论文1:a geometric and probability model on repeater coordination
 §1 3.1 introduction
 §13.2 basic assumptions
 §1 3.3 problem analysis and solution to the first question
 §1 3.4 solution to the second question
 §13.5 discussion of mountainous area
 §13.6 sumittarv
第十四章 论文2:a computational geometry model for repeater coordination
 §1 4.1 introduction
 §1 4.2 preliminarv analvses
 §1 4.3 hypothesis and symbol description
 §14.4 models
 §1 4.5 the simulation of population distribution
 §14.6 strengths and weaknesses
第五部分 mcm 2010年b题
第十五章 赛题:criminology
第十六章 论文1:a decision model for serial murders:geographical profiling with
crime locations prediction
 §16.1 introduction
 §16.2 preliminary analyses
 §16.3 the methodology terminology
 §16.4 hypothesis and symbol description
 §16.5 crime analyses and model development
 §16.6 case analyses
 §16.7 summary and future work
 §16.8 executive summary
第十七章 论文2:a likelihood enhanced centrographic geographic profiling model in
detecting serial criminals
 §17.1 introduction
 §17.2 assumptions,terms and notations
 §17.3 model derivation
 §17.4 verification of the model
 §17.5 conclusions
 §17.6 future work
 §17.7 executive summary
第十八章 论文3:two steps to target the serial criminal
 §18.1 introduction
 §18.2 the proposed models for generate the geographical profiling
 §18.3 models of predicting the next crime scenes
 §18.4 testing and results
 §18.5 strengths and weaknesses
 §18.6 future work
 §18.7 executive summary
