Electrodynamics of Metamaterials 超颖材料电动力学-(影印版) 本书特色
Electrodynamics of Metamaterials 超颖材料电动力学-(影印版) 内容简介
Electrodynamics of Metamaterials 超颖材料电动力学-(影印版) 目录
1. introduction
1.1 surface plasmon resonance
1.2 percolation threshold: singularities in metal-dielectric
2. conducting stick composites and left handed metamaterials
2.1 metamaterial
2.2 conductivity and dielectric cotant: effective medium theory
2.3 high-frequency respoe
2.3.1 scattering of electromagnetic wave by conducting stick
2.3.2 high-frequency effective dielectric function
2.4 giant enhancements of local electric fields
2.5 optical magnetism, left-handed optical materials and
2.5.1 analytical theory of magnetic plasmon resonances
2.5.2 numerical simulatio of two-dimeional nanowire structures
2.5.3 capacitance and inductance of two parallel wires
2.6 planar nanowire composites
3. semicontinuous metal films
3.1 introduction
3.2 giant field fluctuatio
3.2.1 lattic