居住空间-禅意东方-XII 本书特色
《禅意东方? 居住空间》收录经典中式风格室内设计四十余个,每一个案例都在融入了先进的设计思想与设计理念的同时,也将浓郁的东方文化融入其中,彰显东方风格的内涵与气韵。全书以汉字之美、居室之意为主题,将汉字字形、笔序之美与对空间实用性、艺术性与美观性地展示融为一体,使全书主题突出,让读者感受编者的用心以及设计的精妙。
居住空间-禅意东方-XII 内容简介
居住空间-禅意东方-XII 目录
心之安放,美之所向ease of heart, desire of aesthetics 禅茶一味,明心见性 zen tea: to clear and purify heart 干净朴素,散发悠长韵味neat, simple and appealing 纵观/场景overview / scene万物共生,山影随行with hills accompanied, everything in coexistence 君子如玉,温润圆融as genteel, mild and harmonious as jade 从立异到立意from being unorthodox to making connotation玉宇隐居seclusion in jade building豁然开朗,精致简约 open and clear, delicate and simple 自然渗透natural permeability鱼戏荷叶间,年华似水流fish swimming by lotus leaf, time goes by 既空既有,非空非有neither empty, nor occupied 多情海棠留春住,雪为肌骨玉为魂the chinese flowering crabapple for late spring, the snow for muscle andbone, the jade for soul中国式优雅,水墨化意境chinese grace: prospect of chinese ink painting细啖纯粹生活情味chew life 空·无 emptiness·nothing 小隐于世,得一隅清凉reclusion of low-end level gets access to a place cool and refreshing 摩登中国风 modern chinoiserie诗意栖居poetic dwelling水墨晕染千重山,半掩婵娟色更浓hills in chinese ink painting and the half-hidden moon conspicuously revealed 畅怀天地,生生不息life and growth between heaven and earth觉知禅心 a meditative mind 中西合璧,艺术东方artistic east of the oriental and the western来自阳光沙滩的简约美学sketchy aesthetics across beach 记忆满满,镌刻岁月的痕迹 memories, engrave the trace of years 清风穿绮户,花香蝶自来breeze comes refreshing through beautiful homes, potpourri draws butterflies 木蕴五色鲜,醇美东南亚wood to accomplish the purity of the southeastern 东京上空,极简东方美学fusion of tradition and modern starts a heart-quake visual feast 意象山水,光影森林imagination of hills and waters, forest of light and shadow 心境澄明,静享悠然慢时光mood in tranquility, life at leisure云水禅心water above cloud, heart in zen 安宁如水,淡然心性temperament as peaceful as water 禅韵悠悠茶香浓zen and tea天地有大美而不言 the heaven and the earth never claims their grand beauty
居住空间-禅意东方-XII 作者简介