浪漫新古典-VI 本书特色
浪漫新古典-VI 内容简介
浪漫新古典-VI 目录
雨后塞纳河seine after rain铜雀春深,岁月流金as spring comes deep into copper sparrow platform, time becomes good 纤美如诗,一曲意大利清新小调an italian minor: as fine as a poem 英式贵族生活礼遇life of british noble一场袂影飘香的生活派对life party with sleeve and shadow becoming fragrant低调高雅,英伦贵族british aristocracy: reserved but elegant 为了爱马仕的不羁和自由for hermes’ unruly freedom 梦幻空间旋舞曲whirling dance of illustrative dream 无限灵感,艺术如花般绽放with inspiration, art in blossom like flowers收藏生活艺术collection of life art 以奢华艺术,奠定法式新古典的非凡荣耀with artistic luxury to make glory of the french neoclassicism 浮光掠影,海上之梦skimming over the surface, dreaming in old shanghai优雅国度,醉人香颂realm of grace: enchanting fragrance 美式优雅下潜藏的野性不羁wide nature behind american grace 高贵与优雅的碰撞:当空间设计遇上贵族蓝collision of noble and grace: when space design meets the blue of nobility 共生力量intergrowth 穿越时空的戏剧舞台a dream stage through time tunnel 英伦骑士心the heart of british knight 豪宅殿堂里的帝国梦想an imperial dream in a mansion 伦敦上流社会的瑰丽剪影the magnificence sketch of the upper-class in london 巴黎奢华与荣耀的缩影the epitome of luxury and glory in paris 英国王室认证的尊贵与显耀dignity and prestige classified by british royal 曾经显贵的殿堂,今日城市中心的绿洲yesterday's palace of dignitary, today's oasis in city center 让230年的荣光耀目重现the reemerged halo of 230 years ago穿越时空,体验文艺复兴欧洲古堡宫殿go through time tunnel to experience european castle in renaissance昔日英国国王的专属酒店,再现动人华彩a hotel ever exclusive to british king, the resplendence at current 殿堂级的尊贵与精致the palace-level honor and delicacy意大利文艺复兴艺术的辉煌呈现the glorious presence of the renascence 阿姆斯特丹的不朽传奇the legend of amsterdam
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