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  2020-07-30 00:00:00  

城市感知-城市场所中隐藏的维度 本书特色


城市感知-城市场所中隐藏的维度 目录

序preface 刚舌foreword 本书的缘起the origgin of the loook15 **部分城市感知的尺度与特性 part l dimensions and characteristics of city senses16 一、感知与城市 the senses and the city17 感觉与感知 perception and the senses18 感知系统构成 the structure of the senses21 城市感知的多尺度 the many dimensions of senses in the city51 二、城市场所体验中感知的角色 the role of the senses in experiencins~ urban places52 视觉感知的角色 the role of visual perception74 听觉感知的角色 the role of auditory perception85 嗅觉味觉感知的角色 the role of olfactory and gustatory perception 序preface 刚舌foreword 本书的缘起the origgin of the loook15 **部分城市感知的尺度与特性 part l dimensions and characteristics of city senses16 一、感知与城市 the senses and the city17 感觉与感知 perception and the senses18 感知系统构成 the structure of the senses21 城市感知的多尺度 the many dimensions of senses in the city51 二、城市场所体验中感知的角色 the role of the senses in experiencins~ urban places52 视觉感知的角色 the role of visual perception74 听觉感知的角色 the role of auditory perception85 嗅觉味觉感知的角色 the role of olfactory and gustatory perception 城市感知-城市场所中隐藏的维度
