禅意东方:居住空间:living space:ⅩⅢ:ⅩⅢ 本书特色
《禅意东方 居住空间13》经专业评审,精选四十余个来自全球的住宅及其配套案例,每一个案例都是设计师智慧与技艺的展示,在融入了先进的设计思想与设计理念的同时,也将浓郁的东方文化融入其中,彰显东方风格的内涵与气韵。本书以宋代美学为主题,从宋代的科学技术、艺术文化等方面全方位的展示宋代远逸平淡的宋代美学,将诗词之美、诗画之美与项目设计融为一体,使全书主题突出,让读者感受编者的用心以及设计的精妙。
禅意东方:居住空间:living space:ⅩⅢ:ⅩⅢ 内容简介
《禅意东方 居住空间13》是“禅意东方”系列图书第十三期,本期与大家分享远逸平淡之宋代美学,在设计中融入宋代词、画,诗情画意,禅意氤氲,以心中山水,淡化俗世繁华。当然,力透纸背的不仅仅是心中山水,更是东方禅境以及设计师的设计巧思、设计技巧和朗阔的心怀。
禅意东方:居住空间:living space:ⅩⅢ:ⅩⅢ 目录
桃花依旧笑春风 peace blossoming to greet spring breeze 以木质的清润,编织生活的温雅质感 with wood to make a warm, graceful life 万柳春深花欲晓 willows and flowers competing in mid-spring 再续东方美学 heritage of eastern aesthetics 自然文化的偶遇,春风十里不如你 natural and cultural encounters, the spring breeze, inferior to you 汲东方源泉,开当代艺术新意 with eastern essence to renew contemporary art 耕植自然,演绎名门雅舍的清贵气韵 refined house cemented in nature for blue blood 东方典雅情怀,精致法式韵味 eastern grace, french taste 雕琢如玉,博观雅藏 collection, refined and carved like jade 虚实相生,古今互鉴 symbolic and real, ancient and modern 中西合璧,浸染一室优雅 elegance all out of the integrity of the east and the west 月华临静夜,山水有清晖 moonlight cast on hills and into waters 大艺术家 · 形 the master of art · the vision 暗香浮动,淡泊宁静 fragrance hidden, heart seeking no fame or wealth 回归空间本质,享受舒适生活 return to spatial nature for enjoyment of ease and comfort 文脉之地,桃源之逸 a land of context and peach blossoms 中西生活美学,融于壹城壹墅 nothing but eastern and western aesthetics 涟漪 ripple 大艺术家 · 源 the master of art · the source 理性格局下的精致隽逸 delicacy and connotation in rational layout 碧玉新妆,纤庭雅舍 yard and house dressed up with jade 花疏云淡梅香远 flowers sparse, clouds light, plum fragrance far 紫气东来意,道法自然居 purple air comes propitious from the east, residence sits by nature 凝练造园之法,晕染六朝烟水 condensed into gardening on the yangtze delta, polished with 6-dynasty mist and water 山水格局,涵养静雅人生 landscape patten, tranquil grace 在山水的长卷里品尝幸福的滋味 well-being by landscape 东方意境,法式情怀 eastern prospect immersed with french feelings 空亦非空,禅意透骨 emptiness or non, all zen 花开半看,酒饮微醉 flowers to be bursting into blossom, people subtly tipsy 木石相生,庭园雅趣,人宅相扶 wood and stone, pleasure-refined garden, residents and residence being mutually supportive 山水岭南,有限空间无限情怀 south of the five ridges, infinite feelings in limited space 宁静空间,蕴养生命活力 space of peace and quiet to cultivate life vigor 浮点 · 禅隐 fcd, zen 都市上空的纯美之境 pure, beautiful land above city 兼收并蕴,繁华中心的自然领地 all integrated, a natural manor in downtown 传承丽则薪火,还原一个时代的美学 carry forward heritage for restoring aesthetics of an age 四明香堂,香德即心德 incense hall, where the virtue to burn incense equals mental morality 发现失落的世界 paradise regained 新东方,心奢华 new east, luxious core 中体西用的新东方艺术 new oriental art: chinese culture complimented with western approaches
禅意东方:居住空间:living space:ⅩⅢ:ⅩⅢ 作者简介