跨界设计-建筑与聚落 本书特色
建筑与聚落本不应该属于跨界的内容,之所以在这里将其列入跨界系列来论述, 一个重要的初衷就是试图将聚落这种宏观的视野引入到建筑这微观的层面之中。从聚落中寻找与建筑形成相互关联的线索与征兆信息是本书的特征与目的所在。《跨界设计-建筑与聚落》适合建筑学专业及相关专业的师生和设计师阅读。
跨界设计-建筑与聚落 目录
目录 序 导读 1 从聚落到城市 从聚落到城市的18个案例 2 从聚落到建筑的演变过程的表述 从聚落尺度到建筑尺度的空间表述的30种形态 3 从“voronoi”到“建筑”的观察 从voronoi(泰森多边形)的分析图示到可以作为建筑空间的3种形态表达 4 等高线的直接转换 等高线可以直接转换的5个整合关系形态实例 5 “点”与“柱” 从抽象的极限到建筑空间的3种形态表达 6 “1个综合的结果” 从聚落到统合形态建筑实例 7 思考的延续 传统聚落与现代建筑之间转换和延续的可能性 contents preface introduction 1 from settlement to city eighteen case studies of settlement to city 2 development from settlement to architecture thirty space patterns from settlement scale to architecture scale 3 observation from “voronoi” to “architecture” three patterns from mathematical analysis to architectural space 4 contour’s direct transition five integration patterns of contour’s direct transition 5 “dot” and “column” three patterns from abstract ultimate to architectural space 6 “a comprehensive result” case studies from settlement to integrated architecture 7 extensive thinking transformation and sustainability potentials between traditional settlement and modern architecture