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GB 50007-2011-建筑地基基础设计规范

  2020-07-30 00:00:00  

GB 50007-2011-建筑地基基础设计规范 目录

1  general provisions
2  terms and symbols
 2.1  terms
 2.2  symbols
3  basic requirements
4  classification of rocks and soils and their engineering properties
 4.1  classification of rocks and soils
 4.2  indexes of engineering properties foundation design calculation
 5.1  embedment depth of foundation
 5.2  calculation of bearing capacity
 5.3  calculation of deformation
 5.4  calculation of stability foundation in mountain area
 6.1  general requirements
 6.2  soil-rock composite ground
 6.3  foundation on compacted fill
 6.4  landslide prevention
 6.5  foundation on rock
 6.6  karst and sinkhole
 6.7  soil slope and gravity retaining wall
 6.8  rock slope and retaining wall with rock anchor
7  soft ground
 7.1  general requirements
 7.2  utilization and treatment
 7.3  architectural measures
 7.4  structural measures
 7.5  large area ground surcharge
8  foundation
 8.1  non-reinforced spread foundation
 8.2  spread foundation
 8.3  strip foundation under columns
 8.4  raft foundation of high-rise buildings
 8.5  pile foundation
 8.6  rock anchor foundation
9  excavation engineering
 9.1  general requirements
10 inspection and monitoring GB 50007-2011-建筑地基基础设计规范
