GB 50666-2011-混凝土结构工程施工规范 本书特色
《混凝土结构工程施工规范 gb50666-2011 (英文版)》,本书为《混凝土结构工程施工规范》gb 50666-2011的英译本。主要内容包括:总则,术语,基本规定,模板工程,钢筋工程,预应力工程,混凝土制备与运输,现浇结构工程,装配式结构工程,冬期、高温和雨期施工,环境保护等。
GB 50666-2011-混凝土结构工程施工规范 目录
1 general provisions 2 terms 3 basic requirements 3. 1 construction management 3. 2 construction technology 3. 3 construction quality and safety 4 formwork 4. 1 general requirements 4. 2 materials 4. 3 design 4. 4 fabrication and installation 4. 5 removal and maintenance 4. 6 quality control 5 reinforcement 5. 1 general requirements 5. 2 materials 5. 3 reinforcement fabrication 5. 4 reinforcement splice and fixing 5. 5 quality control 6 prestressed concrete 6. 1 general requirements 6. 2 materials 6. 3 fabrication and installation 6. 4 tensioning and releasing of prestress 6. 5 grouting and anchorage protection 6. 6 quality control 7 concrete production and transportation 7. 1 general requirements 7. 2 materials 7. 3 mix proportioning 7. 4 mixing 7. 5 transportation 7. 6 quality control 8 cast in situ concrete 8. 1 general requirements 8. 2 conveying 8. 3 placing ……