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GB 50490-2009-城市轨道交通技术规范

  2020-07-30 00:00:00  

GB 50490-2009-城市轨道交通技术规范 目录

1  general provisions
2  terms
3  basic requirements
4  operation
 4. 1  train operating management
 4. 2  passenger transport service
 4. 3  maintenance
 4. 4  rolling stock depots
5  rolling stock
 5. 1  general requirements
 5. 2  car body
 5. 3  traction and brake
 5. 4  vehicle equipment
6  gauge
7  civil engineering
 7. 1  route engineering
 7. 2  track and subgrade
 7. 3  architecture
 7. 4  structure engineering
8  electrical and mechanical equipments
 8. 1  power supply system
 8. 2  communication system
 8. 3  signal system
 8. 4  ventilation, air-condition and heating systems
 8. 5  water supply, drainage and firefighting systems
 8. 6  automatic fire alarm system
 8. 7  building automatic systems
 8. 8  automatic fare collection system
 8. 9  escalator and lift
 8. 10  platform screen door
GB 50490-2009-城市轨道交通技术规范
