国际软装设计流行趋势 本书特色
国际软装设计流行趋势 内容简介
国际软装设计流行趋势 目录
空间调色盘 platte 东西方之美,汇萃一室 into one, aesthetics of the east and the west 源于沙漠的灵感,融入静美居庭 desert inspiration in courtyard 畅享70年代的艺术氛围 art ambience from the 70s 浓墨重彩 thick and heavy in hues 人生旅途,收藏快乐之家 life journey to accommodate dwelling happiness 折中风格,不改快乐本色 eclectic yet to be gay 绿茵环抱,彩色之家 a colorful home among the greenery 即兴切分音 improvised syncopation 散发柠檬气息的高阔明朗之居 bright residence above lemon air w公寓,极尽简约,品质至上 w apartment: utmost simplicity, quality first 橱柜概念隐藏功能分区,小空间也有大享受 cabinet to hide segments; space small, enjoyment great 清爽度假,简约时尚 fresh, simple yet fashion on vacation 收藏光阴的故事 a carrier to gather time story 开启艺术之门,品味生活魅力 door to art, experience to art 流动天花造型,与窗外山水呼应 ceiling flowing to echo with landscape 细腻质感,呈现美式风情 texture delicate to present american style 木色空间,营造暖怡居家氛围 wood space to create household warm and pleasure 内里图画 interior painting 低调奢华,永恒的贵族精神 luxury reserved, noble spirit eternal 悬空壁炉,隔而不断的空间气场 suspended fireplace to partition and link the aura 阔逸空间,木色相连 wood to bridge spatial broadness and leisure 法式浪漫,佐着春光用餐 french romance with dining in spring scenery 简约空间,收纳法式浪漫 simple to collect french romance 收藏艺术,也收藏激情燃烧的岁月 to collect both art and time of passion 阁楼上的好莱坞之梦 hollywood dream in attic 北欧风情,以细节成就品质 european style: with details to make quality 橙黄橘绿溢彩居 dwelling in orange, yellow and green 当代生活主义:睿仕魅力绽放 contemporary life: farsighted and genteel 探寻空间的旋律 hues to awake space, furnishings to make style 一重一重打造空间焦点 focus in layers layer out of space 施华洛世奇之美 aesthetics of swarovski 色彩唤醒空间,艺术扮美人生 hues to awake space, furnishings to make style 朋友的家 friend's house 雪人先生的家 the home of mr. snowman 清新淡雅,舒适无价 elegant and fresh for priceless comfort 叠 overlap
用艺术眼光创造百变居庭 with artistic eye to create a changeable patio 皇家行宫的华丽变身 another imperial palace comes gorgeous 弘阔大海是豪宅窗前*美的装饰 the best window decoration: sea view 以不同坐姿,体会空间的变化乐趣 sitting in different gestures to perceive fun 法式折中主义的时尚新装 fashion of french eclecticism 亲密小空间,层层有惊喜 each floor intimate but small for surprises 热情待客,舒适居家 home: welcoming and comfort 春色 colors of spring 尊重历史,崇尚自由 history respected, freedom adored 色彩盛宴 feast with colors 简净空间,艺术点睛 neat and crisp, pin-pointing with art 东方的意境,西方的时空 oriental inner, western existence 东方帝国 人文艺术触动美感奢华 empire east: cultural and artistic texture to touch luxury 雍容华贵巴洛克 洋洋洒洒荟中西 elegant baroque of the east and the west 一石一木一份心意,重新写就家的故事 home of stone and wood 收藏者之家 apartment of a collector 在黑与白的基调上描述历史与现实交织的梦境 the history and the modern interlaced on black and white
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