色彩墙-建筑立面美化语言 本书特色
色彩墙-建筑立面美化语言 内容简介
色彩墙-建筑立面美化语言 目录
七彩缤纷rainbow color
海的幻想 fantasy of the sea
舞动的森林 the dancing forest
舞动彩翼的凤凰 phoenix’ s colorful wings
珍宝盒 the treasure box
天边的虹彩 the iridescence on the horizon
巨人的木玩具 giants’ wooden toy
七彩翻板游戏 the game of colorful planks
孩子们的城堡乐园 fun castle for children
芬芳的花草地 a fragrant land of grass and flowers
童年的世界 the world of childhood
风中的芦苇塘 the reed field in the wind
青蛙王子 frog king
彩色条纹的欢快韵律 the gaily rhythm of colorful stripes
彩虹雨 rainbow shower
彩色方块世界 a world of colorful squares
彩虹千层派 rainbow mille feuille
魔幻树叶 magic leaves
色彩的王国 a kingdom of colors
幻彩殿堂 colorful palace
南十字星闪耀 the shinning southern cross
流动的幻彩韵律 the flowing rhythms
色彩斑斓的住宅 colorful housing
虚幻的蛊惑 psychedelic delusion
生机盎然的森林 vitality of forest
双色太阳镜 dual color sunglasses
动物的天堂 animals’ heaven
神奇小人国 the mysterious lilliputian
绿意盎然 full of green
律动的生机 dynamic vitality
七彩童年 colorful childhood
悄然绽放的花朵 a silently blooming flower
杨树林的守卫 poplar grove’ s escort
绿铅笔 the green pencils
绿光森林 green forest
红砖一隅 a corner of red bricks
未成熟的青涩 immature youth
一道绿色风景线 a green scenery
一方洁净的空间 a piece of clean space
like vivifying bamboo shoots bathed in rain and dew
梦想的舞台 stage for dreams
浴火卫士 fire guard
穿越时空的水晶球 a crystal ball across time and space
宝石与梦境的圆舞曲 the waltz of gemstones and dreams
炫彩万花筒般的奇幻世界 a kaleidoscopic world
水晶花瓣 crystal petals
通往星空的时光隧道 e time tunnel to the starry sky
reappearance of history, rebirth of aestheticism
城海中的小憩与欢愉之岛 a pleasure island in the city
凝固时间、云之彼端 freezing time over the clouds
柔光萦绕、花瓣纷飞 soft light hovering flying petals
孤静相随、归之净土 the solitary land to return to
the artistic dance of function and color
舞动色彩、赋予意义 dancing colors, give meaning
行云流水 smooth like floating clouds and flowing water
高雅购物天堂 elegant shopping paradise
彩翼 the colorful wing
弦外之音 overstone
黑白时尚 black and white fashion
a slient box with wonderful contents hidden inside
神秘波浪 mysterious waves
神秘黑色住宅 housing in mysterious black
行走的雕塑 moving sculpture
扭曲的黑盒子 twisted black box
折叠的壳 folded shell
迷幻银盒 magic silver box
a commemoration for forget and understanding
坚实的守护 staunch protection
黑暗中的水晶城堡 crystal castle in darkness
花开物语 flower implication
朦胧之美 hazy beauty
与风共舞 move with the wind
银妆素裹 a white world in snow
白色时光 white time
纯净的世界 the white and pure world
涟漪轻漾 gentle ripples on the surface
优雅?通透?轻盈 graceful?crystal?ethereal
在云端 in the clouds
轻盈之美 the beauty of lightness
光的游乐场 house of light
流动的音符 flowing music
亲近自然 close to nature
精灵之家 elf home
悦动流转的五线谱 flowing stave
世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace
温馨的回忆 sweet memories
流动变幻的光芒之旅 the journey of flowing light
天边的尖角城堡 remote castle with sharp angles
发光的树 trees of light
希望之光 light of hope
诡秘几何 mysterious geometry
蓝色向往 the blue dream
太阳能生态住宅 solar residence
奢华盛宴 luxury feast
aeolian bells gently swinging in the garden
锈蚀的回忆 rusty memories
缤纷春季乐园 colorful spring fairyland
岁月的沉淀 sediment of time
穿越古老的记忆 trareling through the old memories
蒲公英的世界 a world of dandelion
返璞归真 returning to the original nature
成熟的果实 ripe fruit
沁人心脾的温暖 the sunshine warmth brings joy to the soul
逐光追影 red color dance with light and shadow
热烈的韵律 ardent rhythms
诗意的栖居 poetic dwelling
美妙童梦 a magical dream for children
活力橙色空间 dynamic orange space
一米阳光 a ray of sunshine
飘香热咖啡 the waves of hot coffee
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