新楼盘-图解地产与设计-47 本书特色
新楼盘-图解地产与设计-47 目录
前言editor’s note 资讯information 名家名盘master and masterpiece 苏州小石城项目一区1期:功能综合、人文气息浓厚的国际化社区 all—round international community with profound cultural atmosphere 专访interview 建筑设计是存在于商业、艺术与生活之间的一种创造行为 ——访北京松原弘典建筑设计咨询有限公司执行董事松原弘典 architectural design is a creation between commerce,art and life 设计应把握好适宜前提下的唯美与个性化表达 ——访西迪国际/cdg国际设计机构总裁林世彤 design should grasp aesthetic and individual expression under an appropriate condition 新景观new landscape 深圳蛇口后海公馆住宅区景观规划设计: 重视自然、绿色通透的纯居住滨海区 the seashore residential community with emphasis on nature and green 兰州阳光城什川梨花岛·林隐天下:温馨浪漫的西班牙风情景观 cozy and romantic spanish style andscape 专题featlire 清山慧谷别墅:层次变化丰富景观资源优越户型灵活多样 rich complexity,supreme landscape resources flexible and varied housing design 南京凤凰西街:典雅奢华的古典风格精品社区 elegant and luxury boutique community in classic style 深圳东部华侨城·天麓街区:低密度、生态性的国际化社区 low—density and ecological international community 俄罗斯波多利斯克东方小区: 功能多样、配套设施完善的封闭性住宅群 closed residential group w丌h varl0us funct【ons and compl盯ed supportlng facilmes 新特色n ew ci-iaracteristlcs 广西柳州山水1号·华远岚山规划设计:与山共舞与水交融 dance with mountains.surp,0unded by waters 秦皇岛玉带湾:中西融汇品质精湛时尚现代 combinln6 chinese and western elements with exquisite quality,fashion and modernity 华翰国际公寓:“典雅风格”地标性现代建筑 a landmark modern buildin6 0f“elegant style” 新空间newspace 内湖oj宅:建构自然人文与现代时尚的平衡美学 construct the balance 0f aesthetics between natural human culture and modern fashl0n 新创意newidea 线性住宅楼:矗立在城市与公园绿地之间的开放式居住空间 open living space between busy city and green papk 商业地产 commercial buildings 裕利大厦:简练高效、绿色环保的优质办公建筑 concise and efficient quality green 0ffice buildin6 cristalia商业园:景观丰富、质朴舒适的商业园区 rustic and comfortable business park with pjch landscape 米兰马尔彭萨机场喜来登酒店及会议中心: 强调外立面设计感、质感及动态感的建筑 a building featuring facade design&dynamic