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建筑手册:设、概念、脚本、过程=arch-manual DESIGN+CONCEPT+SCRIPT+PROCESS

  2020-07-30 00:00:00  

建筑手册:设、概念、脚本、过程=arch-manual DESIGN+CONCEPT+SCRIPT+PROCESS 本书特色


建筑手册:设、概念、脚本、过程=arch-manual DESIGN+CONCEPT+SCRIPT+PROCESS 内容简介


建筑手册:设、概念、脚本、过程=arch-manual DESIGN+CONCEPT+SCRIPT+PROCESS 目录

atejandro aravena
 siamese towers
 blur housing
 coruna arts centre
 urban gangtions, skyscraper and affective power
 campus urbis
amid [cero9]
assadi & putido architects
 guthrie house
 deck house
 serrano house
ava[atelier ve[oso architects]
 municipal theatre of guarda
big [bjarke ingets group]
 mountain dwettings
christ & gantenbein architects
 swiss nationat museum extension
dieguez fridman
 jeongok prehistory museum
 ctay 228 buitding
 ordos 100 ptot 19
estudio barozzi veiga
 headquarters of ribera det duero wine
 szczecin phitharmonie
francisco jose hangado
 spanish pavilion for expo zaragoza 2008
 cent. santiago
fasch & fuchs
 bus parking garage in vienna
 speciat schoot for disabted chitdren
foreign office architects
 john lewis department store and cineptex
 carabanchet housing
giancar[o mazzanti arquitectos
 library espana
greg lynn form
 ark of the wortd
group lad
 the kiss mixed-used buitding
 jettyfish house
j. mayer h.
 an der atsterl
 mensa mottke
jakob + macfar[ane architects
 docks of paris fashion and design center
jds [julien de smedt]
 hop·new ho[menko[[en fyr: extending traditions
 sic·shengzhen logic city
 tad·aarhus harbour housing comp[ex
jensen & skodvin architects
 thermal bath, therapy and hotel - bad gteichenberg
 gudbrandsjuvet waterfatls
 new monastery for cistercian nuns
juan herreros arquitectos
 atomic research centre iter. marseilles
 refuge in the countryside
 hybrid building in the city of the environment,soria
 hew vollerball stadium yesid santos
jarmund & vigsnaes as
 edge house
 svatbard science centre 78°north
manuette gautrand
 c42 citroen ftagship showroom
 signal tower
mass studies [minsuk cho]
 ann demeutemeester shop
 xi gattery
michael mattzan
 fresno metropotitan museum

建筑手册:设、概念、脚本、过程=arch-manual DESIGN+CONCEPT+SCRIPT+PROCESS 节选


建筑手册:设、概念、脚本、过程=arch-manual DESIGN+CONCEPT+SCRIPT+PROCESS
