中国印刷-追寻中华文明的诗意印迹 本书特色
《中国印刷:追寻中华文明的诗意印迹》系“华夏文明与文化”系列教材之一。该教材研发本着满足学生专业发展、素质提升的需求,寄希望于能通过该教材的学习,帮助热衷于印刷的学习者们初步实现应用英语讲述和传播中国印刷辉煌历程的目标,体现大学英语 “工具性、人文性和专业性”的特点。教材选取的素材与专业印刷知识互补融合,更侧重对中国印刷文明成果和文化的鉴赏、反思。课程设计体现“做中得学”的教学理念。该教材编写成员组成具有跨学科、跨专业,兼容并包的特点。
中国印刷-追寻中华文明的诗意印迹 内容简介
中国印刷-追寻中华文明的诗意印迹 目录
note from the authors
general introduction
pre-course activity
unit 1 the foundations of painting
unit 2 the origins and evolution of woodblock printing
unit 3 printing features in the song dynasty
unit 4 the invention of movable type and its development
unit 5 the origin of the paper money and its popularization
unit 6 multi-color printing in ancient china
unit 7 the transmission and development of movable type printing
unit 8 chinese trademark printing categories and stages