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  2020-08-05 00:00:00  

盲信号处理-理论与实践 本书特色


盲信号处理-理论与实践 内容简介

    blind signal processing theory and practice not only introduces related fundamental mathematics, but also reflects the numerous advances in the field, such as probability density estimation-based processing algorithms,underdetermined models, complex value methods, uncertainty of order in the separation of convolutive mixtures in frequency domains, and feature extraction using independent component analysis (ica). at the end of the book, results from a study conducted at shanghai jiao tong university in the areas of speech signal processing, underwater signals, image feature extraction, data compression, and the like are discussed.    this book will be of particular interest to advanced undergraduate students,graduate students, university instructors and research scientists in related disciplines. xizhi shi is a professor at shanghai jiao tong university.

盲信号处理-理论与实践 目录

chapter 1  introduction
  1.1  introduction
  1.2  blind source separation
  1.3  independent component analysis (ica)
  1.4  the historical development and research prospect of blind signal processing
chapter 2  mathematical description of blind signal processing
  2.1  random process and probability distribution
  2.2  estimation theory
  2.3  information theory
  2.4  higher-order statistics
  2.5  preprocessing of signal
  2.6  complex nonlinear function
  2.7  evaluation index
  references 盲信号处理-理论与实践
