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信号与系统基础 应用Web和MATLAB 第二版

  2020-08-05 00:00:00  

信号与系统基础 应用Web和MATLAB 第二版 内容简介


信号与系统基础 应用Web和MATLAB 第二版 目录

1,Fundamental concepts
2,Systems defined by differential or difference equations
3,convolution representation
4,The fourier series and fourier transform
5,Frequency-domain analysis of systems
6,Application to communications
7,Fourier analysis of discrete-time signals and systems
8,The Laplace transform and the transfer function representation
9,system analysis using the transfer function representation
10,Application to control
11,the z-transform and discrete-time systems
12,design of digital filters and controllers
13,State representation
A,brief review of complex variables
B,Brief review of matrices
信号与系统基础  应用Web和MATLAB 第二版
