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面颈部美容外科手术彩色图谱 本书特色


面颈部美容外科手术彩色图谱 目录

第1章 美容要素1.1 头部 0021.2 人种 0021.3 男女差别 0031.4 脸形 0031.5 表情 0061.6 老化面容 0111.7 面颈皮纹 0121.8 面颈分区 0131.9 平面 0181.10 咬 0201.11 比例与测量 023
第2章 解剖2.1 颅骨 0342.2 上颌骨 0462.3 右腭骨 0502.4 骨性鼻中隔 0512.5 鼻甲 0512.6 上颌骨额断面 0512.7 下颌骨 0522.8 头肌肉 0542.9 头部表浅肌肉筋膜系统 0692.10 舌骨上和下肌群 0712.11 韧带 0722.12 颈外动脉 0732.13 面神经 0742.14 颈部局解 0752.15 颈筋膜 078
第3章 眼眉、眼睑成形术3.1 解剖 0843.2 眼眉错位手术 0943.3 上睑下垂 0963.4 双眼皮手术 0993.5 下睑成形术 1123.6 内眦成形术 115
第4章 鼻成形术4.1 解剖 1204.2 鹰鼻手术 1344.3 隆鼻 146
第5章 耳成形术5.1 解剖 1525.2 招风耳手术 156
第6章 唇颊颧部手术6.1 解剖 1646.2 薄唇手术 1686.3 重唇手术 1696.4 酒窝手术 1706.5 颧骨手术 173
第7章 额部除皱术7.1 解剖 1787.2 额部除皱术外科技术 1817.3 男性额部除皱手术切口 1907.4 内窥镜额部除皱术 192
第8章 颜面部除皱术8.1 解剖 1988.2 传统式面部除皱术 2028.3 伴SMAS传统式面部除皱术 212
8.4 深层面部除皱术 2168.5 复合性面部除皱术 2238.6 骨膜下额面部除皱术 2258.7 面中部除皱术 230
第9章 颈部除皱术9.1 解剖 2349.2 手术技术 239第1章 美容要素1.1 头部 0021.2 人种 0021.3 男女差别 0031.4 脸形 0031.5 表情 0061.6 老化面容 0111.7 面颈皮纹 0121.8 面颈分区 0131.9 平面 0181.10 咬 0201.11 比例与测量 023
第2章 解剖2.1 颅骨 0342.2 上颌骨 0462.3 右腭骨 0502.4 骨性鼻中隔 0512.5 鼻甲 0512.6 上颌骨额断面 0512.7 下颌骨 0522.8 头肌肉 0542.9 头部表浅肌肉筋膜系统 0692.10 舌骨上和下肌群 0712.11 韧带 0722.12 颈外动脉 0732.13 面神经 0742.14 颈部局解 0752.15 颈筋膜 078
第3章 眼眉、眼睑成形术3.1 解剖 0843.2 眼眉错位手术 0943.3 上睑下垂 0963.4 双眼皮手术 0993.5 下睑成形术 1123.6 内眦成形术 115
第4章 鼻成形术4.1 解剖 1204.2 鹰鼻手术 1344.3 隆鼻 146
第5章 耳成形术5.1 解剖 1525.2 招风耳手术 156
第6章 唇颊颧部手术6.1 解剖 1646.2 薄唇手术 1686.3 重唇手术 1696.4 酒窝手术 1706.5 颧骨手术 173
第7章 额部除皱术7.1 解剖 1787.2 额部除皱术外科技术 1817.3 男性额部除皱手术切口 1907.4 内窥镜额部除皱术 192
第8章 颜面部除皱术8.1 解剖 1988.2 传统式面部除皱术 2028.3 伴SMAS传统式面部除皱术 212
8.4 深层面部除皱术 2168.5 复合性面部除皱术 2238.6 骨膜下额面部除皱术 2258.7 面中部除皱术 230
第9章 颈部除皱术9.1 解剖 2349.2 手术技术 239
第10章 上、下颌骨整形术10.1 Le Fort I 截骨术 24410.2 下颌升支—矢状劈开截骨术 25810.3 颏成形术 26910.4 矫正下颌角肥大畸形 277

参考文献 280

Chapter 1 Components of the Aesthetic Face1.1 The Head1.2 The Human Race1.3 Differences between Woman and Man1.4 The Facial Shapes1.5 Expressions1.6 The Aging Face1.7 Skin Creases of the Face and Neck1.8 Regions of the Face and Neck1.9 Planes1.10 Occlusions1.11 Proportions and Measurements
Chapter 2 Anatomy2.1 Skull2.2 Maxilla2.3 Right Palatine Bone2.4 Bony Nasal Septum2.5 Nasal Conchae2.6 Frontal Section of Maxilla2.7 Mandible2.8 Muscles of Head2.9 The SMAS of the Head2.10 Supra-and Infrahyoid Muscles2.11 Ligament2.12 External Carotid Artery2.13 Facial Nerve2.14 Topography of the Neck2.15 Cervical Fascia
Chapter 3 Supercilioblepharoplasty3.1 Anatomy3.2 Operations for Correction of Brow Transposition3.3 Ptosis of the Upper Lid3.4 Operations of the Double Eyelid3.5 Blepharoplasty of the Lower Lid3.6 Medial Canthoplasty
Chapter 4 Rhinoplasty4.1 Anatomy4.2 Olecranoid Nose Surgery4.3 Augmentation of the Nose
Chapter 5 Otoplasty5.1 Anatomy5.2 Prominent Ear Surgery
Chapter 6 Lip, Cheek and Mela Surgery6.1 Anatomy6.2 Slight Lip Surgery6.3 Double Lip Surgery6.4 Dimple Surgery6.5 Malar Surgery(Malar Implant)
Chapter 7 Forehead Lift7.1 Anatomy7.2 Surgical Techniques of Forehead Lift7.3 Incisions of Forehead Lift in Men7.4 Endoscopic Forehead Lift
Chapter 8 Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)8.1 Anatomy8.2 Classic Face Lift8.3 Classic Face Lift with SMAS(Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System)8.4 Deep Plane Face Lift8.5 Composite Face Lift8.6 Subperiosteal Forehead-Face Lift8.7 Centrofacial Face Lift
Chapter 9 Neck Lift9.1 Anatomy9.2 Operative Techniques
Chapter 10 Maxillary and Mandibular Osteoplasty10.1 Le Fort I Osteotomy (Downfracture)10.2 Sagittal Split Osteotomy of the Ramus10.3 Genioplasty10.4 The Correction of the Hypertrophy of the Mandibular Angle

面颈部美容外科手术彩色图谱 作者简介


