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中国农业发展报告2017(英文版) 本书特色


中国农业发展报告2017(英文版) 内容简介


中国农业发展报告2017(英文版) 目录

Executive Summary
Agricultural Development in2016
Gfeneral Situation j
Crop Production
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Services
Land Reclamation
AgriCUltural Mechanization
Crop Seed Industry
Agro—product Prices and Market
Agro—product Imports and Exports
Rural Residents'Income and Consumption
State Funds for Agriculture
Agricultural Comprehensive Development
Povertv Alleviation and Development
Feed Industry
Grassland Protection and Construction
Protection of Aquatic Life Resources and Aquatic Ecological Restoration
Industrialized Operations of Agriculture
Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism
Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and Control
Agricultural Market System Construction
Agricultural Informatization
Agro—products Quality Safety Management National Modern
Agriculture Demonstration Area Construction
Agricultural Scientific Research,Generalization and Education
Agricultural and Rural Talent Team Building
Agricultural Administrative Capacity Building
Agricultural Disasters
Agricultural resources and environment protection 11l
Agricultural International Cooperation and Exchange 115Agricultural and Rural Areas Policy in
0verall Evaluation l 2 l
Financial Support in Agriculture
Confirmation,Registration and Certification of Rural Land Contracting and
Management Rights
Rural Collective Assets Management
Reducing Farmers'Burdens
Developing Moderate Scale Operation
Rural ReforlTl Pilot Area Construction
Rural Collective Property Rights System Reform
Promoting the Development of Farmers'Cooperatives
Deepening Seed Industry System Reform
Agricultural Machinery Purchase and Use Subsidy Policy
Rural Primary,Secondary and Tertiary Industry Integrated Development
Deepening Rural Financial Reform
Agro—product Market Adjustment and Regulation
Grass—root Agricultural Technology Promotion System Reform and Construction :
Rural LaborTransfer 15l
Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Enhance Agricultural Legal Construction
Agricultural Development and National Economy of 2016
Overall Evaluation
Agriculture'S Contribution to National Economy
Agriculture and NationalIncome Distribution
Proportional Relation of Industrial and Agricultural Development
Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents
Consumption Difference of Urban and Rural Residents
Regional Economic Development Disparity
The Agricultural Development Trend in 2017
Development Goals and Tasks
Conditions for Agricultural Development
Agricultural Development Trend Judgment
Figure 1Acreages of Different Crops in 2000 and 2016
Figure 2 Total Output of Grain from 1999 to 2016
Figure 3 Total Output of Oil—bearing Crops from 1999 to 2016
Figure 4 Total Output ofCoaon from 1999 to 2016
Figure 5 Total Output of Suga~bearing Crops from 1999 to 2016
Figure 6 Total Output of Fruits from 1999 to 2016
Figure 7 Total Output of Meat from 1999 to 2016
Figure 8 Total Output of Aquatic Products from 1999 to 2016
Figure 9 Monthly Wholesale Prices of Pork,Silver Carp and Vegetables in 2016
Figure 10 Producer Price Indices of Farm Products and Price Indices of Means of Agricultural
Production from 1999 to 2016
Figure 11Usage and Price Indices of Chemical Fertilizers from 1999 to 2016
Figure 12 Monthly Retail Prices of Urea in 2016
Figure 13 Usage and Retail Price Indices of Pesticides from 1999 to 2016
Figure 14 Production and Imports of Chemical Fertilizers from 1999 to 2016
Figure 15 Urban and Rural Consumer Price Indices from 1999 to 2016
Figure 16 Agro—product Exports in Proportion to National Total from 1999 to 2016
Figure 17 Agro—product Imports in Proportion to National Total from 1999 to 2016
Figure 18 Imports and Exports of Grain(not including soybeans)from 1999 to 2016
Figure 19 Average Per Capita Living Expenses of Rural Residents from 1999 to 2016
Figure 20Changes in the Number of Enterprises Engaged in Processing Agricultural Products in 2015,2016
Figure 2 1Changes in the Profits of Enterprises Engaged in Processing Agricultural Products in 2015,2016
Figure 22 Areas of Disaster—hit Farmland(10 percent loss or more)from 1999 to 2016
Figure 23 Areas ofDisaster—hit Farmland(30 percent loss or more)from 1999 to 2016
Figure 24 Agricultural Values Added in Proportion to GDP from 1999 to 2016 164
Figure 25 Income of Urban and Rural Residents from 1999 to 2016
Figure 26 Average Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents in 2016(by Provinces,Autonomous
Regions and Municipalities)
Column 1Launch pilot projects on crop rotation and fallow system
Column 2 Promote green development of high—yield and high—efficiency
Column 3 Strengthen control on slaughtering industry,ensure quality and safety of meat product
Column 4 Promote healthy development of veterinary drug industry
Column 5 Promote fishery restructuring and adjustment
Column 6 Active progress made in the starting year of land reclamation reform
Column 7 Launch agri—machinery development campaign
Column 8 Expand pilot projects on seed industry talents development and reform on scientific research
Column 9 Promoting City Modern Agriculture Development
Column 10 Implementing“Internet ''Modern Agriculture Three-year Action
Column 11National Agricultural and Rural Area Informatization Development P1an under“Thirteenth Five—Year Plan”
column 12 MoA's Opinion on Speeding uP the Promotion of Agro—Product Quality and Safety Tracing System Construction
Column 13 Promoting the Construction of National Agricultural Science and Techn010gv Innovation Alliance
Column l 4 Ten Years of Modern Agriculture Industrial Technology System Construction
Column 15 Zero—growth Action of Chemical Fertilizer Usage Amount
Column 16 Zero—growth Action of Pesticide Usage Amount
Table 1Status of Rural Economy in National Economy
Table 2 Output Values of Crop Plantation,Forestry,Husbandry and Fishery(in CUrrent—yearprices)
Table 3 Material Conditions for Agricultural Production
Table 4 Crop Acreage
Table 5 Natural Disasters,Waterlogging Control and Solodization
Table 6 Output of Major Farm Produce
Table 7 Livestock,Poultry and Aquatic Fanning
Table 8 Major Economic Indicators of Agricultural Products Processing Industry(Unit:100 million yuan)
Table 9 Supply,Demand and Prices of Rice
Table 10 Supply,Demand and Prices of Wheat
Table 11Supply,Demand and Prices of Corn
Table 12 Supply,Demand and Prices of Soybeans
Table 13 Output,Imports and Exports of Grain and Edible Vegetable Oil
Table 14 Output,Import and Export of Cotton and Sugar
Table 15 Production,Consumption,Import and Export of Pork
Table 16 Production,Imports and Prices of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides
Table 17 Per Capita Income of Urban and Rural Residents
Table 18 Per Capita Spending of Urban and Rural Residents
Table 19 Price Indices
Table 20Producer Price Indices of Farm Products
Table 2 1Classified Retail Price Indices in Urban and Rural Areas
Table 22 Wholesale Prices of“Vegetable Basket”Products
Table 23 State Revenue and Expenditure
Table 24 Production and Management of Contracted Rural Land
Table 25 Household Size and Composition in Rural Areas in 2016
Table 26 Enterprises,Labor Force and Farmland per Village in 2016

中国农业发展报告2017(英文版) 作者简介


