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  2020-08-07 00:00:00  

猕猴桃研究进展-(VII) 本书特色

《猕猴桃研究进展》所录论文是国内外近年来从事猕猴桃研究、管理、开发利用人员的成果或工作积累,以及针对一些产业发展问题和新技术应用提供的建议。 《猕猴桃研究进展》涉及猕猴桃的产业与市场、资源与育种、栽培及生理、植物保护、生物技术与采后加工等领域。

猕猴桃研究进展-(VII) 目录

目 录
江西猕猴桃产业现状与发展对策(status and development strategy of kiwifruit industry in jiangxi
province) 陈东兀等3
永顺县猕猴桃产业的发展与思考(the development and thinking of kiwifruit industry in
yongshun county) 彭俊彩等 6
江苏猕猴桃产业现状与发展对策(status and development strategy of kiwifruit industry in jiangsu
province) 钱亚明等10
四川猕猴桃产业发展的微观思考(the consideration of kiwifruit industry development in sichuan
province) 王明忠 14
湖南猕猴桃产业发展现状与对策(development status and strategy of hunan kiwifruit industry)
湖北建始县猕猴桃产业存在的问题与对策(problems and countermeasures of the kiwifruit
industry in jianshi county, hubei province) 王顺安等 27
桂林市猕猴桃产业存在问题与对策(existing problems and countermeasures of kiwifruit industry
in guilin city) 张 欣 31
贵州省猕猴桃生产发展刍议(comment on cultivation development of kiwifruit industry in
guizhou province) 周骥宁 34
猕猴桃属濒危植物金花猕猴桃的生物学特性及保护生物学研究(study on biological character
and conservation biology of endangered plant actinidia chrjsantha) 李洁维等 41
大巴山东部野生软枣猕猴桃的倍性变异和果实评价(ploidy and phenotype variation of a
natural actinidia arguta population in the east of daba mountain) 满玉萍等 48
‘徐香’猕猴桃与长果猕猴桃种间杂交亲和性研究(studies on compatibility of interspecific hybridization between actinidia diliciosa ‘ xuxiang ’ and actinidia longicarpa by anatomy)
软枣猕猴桃与中华?美味猕猴桃种间杂交及杂交后代的遗传表现(interspecific hybridization between actinidia aguta and actinidia chinensis,actinidia deliciosa and the genetic performance
of their hybrid progenies) 秦红艳等 65
部分中华猕猴桃品种在陕西省生长特性研究(performance of actinidia chinesensis varieties
cultivated in shaanxi province) 严平生等 71
大果黄肉晚熟猕猴桃新品种‘云海1号’选育(breeding of new large yellow fresh and late
ripening kiwifruit cultivar ‘ yunhai no.1 ’ ) 虞志军等 76
毛花猕猴桃新品种‘迷你华特’(a new actinidia eriantha benth. cultivar ‘ mini white ’ )
云南省云龙县的野生猕猴桃资源考察和保护策略(current status and conservation strategies of
the wild kiwifruit resources of yunlong county, yunnan provinces) 张忠慧等 81
种间杂交新品种‘金圆’?‘金梅’的生物学特性研究(breeding research of hybrid variety
‘ jinyuan ’ and ‘ jinmei ’ ) 钟彩虹等 87
宁波地区‘红阳’猕猴桃生产适应性与标准化栽培技术(‘hongyang’ kiwifruit adaptability and
standardized cultivation techniques in ningbo) 冯健君等 95
猕猴桃根段杆插育苗试验(experimental study on root cutting seedling of kiwifruit)
猕猴桃嫁接试验(experiment of actinidia grafting) 罗建彪等 106
中华猕猴桃育苗研究(study on seedling cultivation of actinidia chinensis) 罗建彪等 109
不同米收期对猕猴桃果实品质的影响(effect of harvest time on fruit quality of kiwifruit)
‘红阳’猕猴桃果实生长发育及主要营养物质动态变化研究(fruit development and daynamic
change of nutrients in ‘ hongyang ’ kiwifruit) 叶开玉等 117
二种猕猴桃实生苗对淹水胁迫的生理响应(the physiological respondsof three kinds of
kiwifruit seedlings to waterlogging stress) 张慧琴等 124
不同猕猴桃物种硬枝杆插快繁的研究(study on hardwood cuttings of different actinidia species) 刘小莉等137
新西兰猕猴桃细菌性溃瘍病研究进展(bacterial canker of kiwifruit ( psa) research in new
zealand) 成灿红等 145
中国猕猴桃溃瘍病菌的多样性研究(diversity of pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae causing
bacterial canker of ciwifruit in china) 李 黎等 147
猕猴桃细菌性溃瘍病研究进展(research progress of kiwifruit bacterial canker)
猕猴桃菌核病的发生规律与综合防治(occurrence regularity and integrated control of kiwifruit
sclerotium disease) 严平生等 161
猕猴桃炭疽病的发生规律与综合防治(comprehensive prevention and control of kiwifruit anthracnose
occurrence) 严平生等 165
江浙籍地区猕猴桃溃瘍病菌的分子快速鉴定及抗性材料初选(rapidmolecular identification of actinidia bacterial canker and preliminary screening of resistant materials in kiwifruit from
zhejiang, jiangsu and jiangxi provinces) 张慧琴等 170
宝鸡市猕猴桃溃疡病发生特点及防控对策(o ccurrence characteristics and control countermeas- iv
ures of kiwifruit bacterial canker in baoji city) 张继明等 177
眉县猕猴桃细菌性溃瘍病综合防治技术规程(the integrated control regulations of kiwifruit bacterial canker in meixian county) 赵英杰 182
运用创新无损检测仪监测猕猴桃果实品质(use of innovative non-destructive devices to assess
fruit quality in kiwifruit” ) guglielmo costa 187
猕猴桃果实发育期好油含量及成分变化规律研究(study on the change of seed oil content and
components during growth and development stage of kiwifruit) 卜范文等 189
软枣猕猴桃果醋醋酸菌的筛选及其香气成分的分析(screening of acetobacter from actinidia
arguta vinegar and aroma components) 金月婷等 194
软枣猕猴桃多糖纯化组分的单糖组成分析(analysis of monosaccharide composition of purified
components of actinidia arguta polysaccharide) 刘长江等 201
野生毛花猕猴桃asa变异分析与优异种质发掘(screening of specific germplasm and asa
mutation analysis for wild actinidia eriantha benth) 汤佳乐等 207
广东猕猴桃种质资源rbcl基因多样性分析(diversity analysis on kiwifruit germplasm resources
in guangdong province by rbcl gene) 叶弹娟等 213
利用scar标记检测猕猴桃种间杂交植株的雌雄性别(sex detecting in an interspecific cross of actinidia using melecular markers) 张 琼等 222 猕猴桃研究进展-(VII)
