林木容器苗培育技术研究进展 本书特色
林木容器苗培育技术研究进展 目录
subirrigation for production of native plants in nurseries--concepts,current knowledge, and implementation an introduction to subirrigation in forest and conservation nurseries and some preliminary results of demonstrations / r kasten growth, nitrogen use efficiency, and leachate comparison of subirrigated and overhead irrigated pale purple coneflower seedlings nursery response of acacia koa seedlings to container size, irrigation method, and fertilization rate / r. kasten dumroese, early field performance of acacia koa seedlings grown under subirrigation and overhead irrigation / anthony s. davis, jeremiah growth, gas exchange, foliar nitrogen content, and water use of subirrigated and overhead irrigated populus tremuloides michx.seedlings managing pesticide and fertilizer leaching and runoff in a container nursery 底部渗灌对华北落叶松容器苗水肥利用状况及生长、光合特性的影响 底部渗灌对栓皮栎容器苗形态指标和营养元素含量的影响 底部渗灌条件下水肥对华北落叶松容器苗根系生长及基质ph值、电导率的影响 不同氮磷钾配比缓释肥对华北落叶松容器苗生长的影响 山桐子容器播种育苗技术研究 容器成型过程对育苗基质物理性质影响 不同时期悬铃木插穗中内源激素变化与扦插成活的关系 山茶花扦插苗的繁育技术研究 abt1号生根粉及剪截方式对悬铃木嫩枝扦插成活率的影响