中国读物·青少年版(英文版) 本书特色
中国读物·青少年版(英文版) 节选
中国读物·青少年版(英文版) 作者简介
Su Shuyang,Pen-named aS ShUvang and aISO YuPingfu.SU iS a famous modern screen-writer,writer and poet.A native of Baoding,Hebei Province.he now engages in theCUltu raI and historical research work.HiSworks a re popula r among the Chineseand foreign readers.As one of the mostinfluential scholars in China today,he haswon the NationaI Book Award,Best WorksAwa rd.China BOOks Award,HUabiaoAward,Splendor Award,Golden RoosterAward as well as National Short StoriesAward.NationaI Prose Award,and NationalLiterature Prize.