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  2020-08-14 00:00:00  

太极 本书特色

tai chi plays an immensely important role in chinese culture, and is the crystallization of wisdom in the past 5,000 years of the chinese civilization. an integral part and also a significant source of ancient chinese philosophy, it not only stands for the origin of the universe, but also implies the process of birth and evolvement of everything in the universe.
throughout thousands of years’ history of china, tai chi has profoundly influenced confucianism, taoism and other major schools of culture, and is omnipresent in fields such as regimen, martial art, art of war and sports.
therefore, only by understanding tai chi, can one understand radically the chinese culture and appreciate the great wisdom of ancient chinese people.
both tai chi regimen and tai chi boxing, which have been of great popularity in recent years, are phenomena of the tai chi culture. they embody traditional chinese views on the world and harmony, i.e., “unity of man and nature” and “identity of object and self”. tai chi boxing, favored by many people, offers relaxation and balances yin-yang through its natural and smooth, soft and hard movements, allowing one to reach a state of peace.

太极 内容简介

  being broad and profound, the long established chinese tai chi culture is the source and an important idea of ancient chinese philosophy. during the thousand-year-old history of china, tai chi culture have influenced confucianism, daoism and other main cultural schools of the chinese nation, almost present in every sphere ranging from health-preserving, martial arts, military science, to physical training. this book introduces tai chi’s meaning, tai chi’s way of health-preserving, tai chi quan, tai chi sword, and provides a detailed illustration on tai chi quan’s training forms in the appendix for the readers to learn and practice.  

太极 目录

profound tai chi culture 001
connotations of tai chi 002
tai chi diagram 012
tai chi regimen 023
way of tai chi regimen 024
mental techniques of tai chi regimen 035
tai chi regimen 044

太极 作者简介

胡秀娟,华北电力大学体育教学博士,华北电力大学民族传统体育副教授。 Hu Xiujuan, graduated from North China Electric Power University with doctor’s degree on physical education and now is associate professor of NCEPU on traditional sports. 尹博,现任教于中国青年政治学院,副教授。首都体育学院硕士毕业,华东师范大学教育学博士,现为团中央系统首位体育专业博士。中国体育科学学会会员,团中央青少年体质健康促进中心客座研究员。 Yin Bo is now associate professor of China Youth University for Political Sciences. Graduating from Physical Culture Institute with master’s degree and East China Normal University with doctor’s degree on education science, he is now the first academician with doctor’s degree on physical education in the Youth League Central system, also an academician of China Sports Science Society, guest researcher of Youth League Central Constitutional Health Promotion Center.

