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  2020-06-11 00:00:00  

与世界对话-俞敏洪的蜗牛人生-西班牙文 本书特色

本书讲述了俞敏洪如何像蜗牛一样一步一步向前爬的人生故事。俞敏洪虽然被冠以了太多的称号,诸如“指点迷津的企业家”、“商业英雄”、“人生的启蒙师”、“中国*有钱的教师”等等,但真实的俞敏洪,没有那么光鲜神奇。他老实巴交,种过地,犁过田,当过乡村教师,有过懵懂的初恋;他不屈不挠,高考落榜两次仍不放弃,失业、创业,在艰难中奋力前行。More than 70 percent of Chinese studying overseas regard Yu Minhong as their teacher. Through his set-backs and achievements, Yu has earned himself plenty of titles: “an entrepreneur who shines like a beacon”, “business hero”, “an abecedarian of life”, “richest teacher in China”, and many more. But behind such accolades, what is the real Yu like? In reality, Yu is neither glittering nor glorious. An honest man, he plowed the fields, taught countryside students, hesitated with his first love. But he has an iron resolve: he never gives up. He failed the national college entrance exam twice; he lost a decent job, but he created his own business—in the beginning pasting advertisements for his small school in sub-zero temperatures. Like a snail, Yu climbs on, with patience and perseverance, overcoming all obstacles along the way.本书讲述了俞敏洪如何像蜗牛一样一步一步向前爬的人生故事。俞敏洪虽然被冠以了太多的称号,诸如“指点迷津的企业家”、“商业英雄”、“人生的启蒙师”、“中国*有钱的教师”等等,但真实的俞敏洪,没有那么光鲜神奇。他老实巴交,种过地,犁过田,当过乡村教师,有过懵懂的初恋;他不屈不挠,高考落榜两次仍不放弃,失业、创业,在艰难中奋力前行。 More than 70 percent of Chinese studying overseas regard Yu Minhong as their teacher. Through his set-backs and achievements, Yu has earned himself plenty of titles: “an entrepreneur who shines like a beacon”, “business hero”, “an abecedarian of life”, “richest teacher in China”, and many more. But behind such accolades, what is the real Yu like? In reality, Yu is neither glittering nor glorious. An honest man, he plowed the fields, taught countryside students, hesitated with his first love. But he has an iron resolve: he never gives up. He failed the national college entrance exam twice; he lost a decent job, but he created his own business—in the beginning pasting advertisements for his small school in sub-zero temperatures. Like a snail, Yu climbs on, with patience and perseverance, overcoming all obstacles along the way. Más del 70% de los estudiantes que estudian en el extranjero consideran a Yu Minhong su profesor. Por sus contratiempos y sus logros, Yuse ha ganado varios calificativos: “empresario que ilumina como un faro”, “héroe de los negocios”, “aprendiz de la vida”, “profesor más rico de China” y muchos otros. Pero entre tantos elogios,¿cómo es el verdadero Yu?En realidad, Yu no es ni brillante ni glorioso. Es un hombre modesto que aró la tierra, impartió clases en el campo, vaciló ante su primer amor. Sin embargo, tiene una voluntad férrea y nunca se rinde. Creó la mayor red de academias de enseñanza del inglés en China,que se han convertido con los años en referencia para millones de chinos que ingresarán en universidades de todo el mundo.

与世界对话-俞敏洪的蜗牛人生-西班牙文 内容简介


与世界对话-俞敏洪的蜗牛人生-西班牙文 作者简介


