选词填空。like, happy, Honey, come, starts, swimming, be, read, theater, dinosaurs1. Let'scallthemovie _____________.2.Isitgoingto _____________ rainytoday?-四年级英语 |
[db:作者] 2019-08-09 00:00:00 零零社区 |
选词填空。 |
like, happy, Honey, come, starts, swimming, be, read, theater, dinosaurs | 1. Let's call the movie _____________. 2. Is it going to _____________ rainy today? 3. _____________ is always their favorite food. 4. I don't _____________ it. 5. Do you _____________ storybooks? 6. When do they go _____________? 7. Are there _____________ in the zoo? 8. Can I _____________, too? 9. They are very _____________. 10. It _____________ at four o'clock. |
题型:填空题 难度:偏易
1. theater 2. be 3. Honey 4. like 5. read 6. swimming 7. dinosaurs 8. come 9. happy 10. starts |
据专家权威分析,试题“选词填空。like, happy, Honey, come, starts, swimming, be, re..”主要考查你对 单词、词组 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下: