Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1. Thisisa.Wecangotoschool.2. Anairplaneis a.3. Thisisa.Youmaysomething ifyouare .4. Youmaythis .-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Lookatthepicturesandcompletethewords. 看图补全单词。 w__d_l_ _v_ _s_ _esfl_ _h_t_ _-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Readandwritetheoppositewords. 根据句子意思写出黑体词的反义词或对应词。1. — Mother,mayI? — Idon'tknow.Pleaseaskyourf .2.Beijingisabcity.Shijiazhuangisasma-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Lookandjudge. 看图,判断正(T)误(F)。 1.ThiscountryisCanada.ThecapitalcityofCanadaisCanberra.TheyspeakEnglish.( ) 2.ThiscountryistheU.K.Thecapitalcityofth-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Lookandchoosethepropersentences. 看图,选择合适的句子。 1. ( ) 2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) A. Anairplaneisfast.B. — Mum,mayIgoonatriptoBeijing? -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Raadandmatch. 读一读,为下列国家找出相对应的国旗和首都,并连线。China Canada the U. S.the U. K.AustraliaLondonCanberraBeijingOttawaWashington, D. C.-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
选择与句子内容一致的图片。1.ItisWednesday. ( )2.Itisthreeo'clock. ( )3.Itissunnytoday. ( )4.Breakfastisatseveno'clock. ( )A.B.C.D. -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Writethecorrectwordsaccordingtothecommands. 按要求写单词。1. come (反义词)2. fast (反义词) 3. mother (同义词)4. morning (对应词)5. four (同音词)6. hereis -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Fillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词填空。1.Canyousaythemonthsofthe ?2. Iworkhardat .3. The isblowingtheleaves.4.Children'sDayison first.5. In-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Choosethepictures. 选出与所给单词同类的图片。( )1. A. B. C. cab ( )2. A.B. C.shirt ( )3. A.B. C. pen ( )4. A.B. C.house ( )5. A. B. C.pants-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Lookatthecalendar.Answerthequestions.看日历,回答同题。TodayisTuesday,Octobersixteenth.OctoberSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday12345678910101-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Lookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。Word Listbig long smallshort besidetall short1. Theballis thebus.2.Thepencilis. Theruleris .3. Mr.Woodis.-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Writethewordsinthecorrectplaces. 将单词写在正确的位置。bus socks black restaurant yelllow park brown bicycle car blouse shop shorts shoes school truck whitebus -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Fillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词填空。1.Jennyisa .2.Maryis1.3metres .3.Peteris13years .4.Shelivesin .5.Elizabethisnewjeanstoday. wearing -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
Fill intheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词填空。old birthday address rides is1.Hisis888PizzaRoad.2.His isMarchtenth.3.Hehappy.4.Dannyis18years .5.He-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
按要求写单词。1.rain(形容词)____ 3.one(序数词)____ 5.sunny(名词)____ 2.pencil(复数)____ 4.fifth(基数词)____ 6.above(反义词)____ -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
将图与对应的句子匹配起来。( )1.A.Sheisagirl.( )2.B.Thesearemarkers. ( )3.C.TodayisWednesday.( )4.D.Thisismychair.( )5.E.Thisisglue.-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
将下列单词补充完整。1. er_ser 4. sn_ _ 7. f_fth 2. ch_lk 5. clo_d8. sec_ _d 3. penc_l 6. ra_ny -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
给下列基数词选择对应的序数词。( ) 1. three ( ) 2. five ( ) 3. sixteen( ) 4. nine( ) 5. ten A. fifth B. third C. ninth D. tenth E. sixteenth -四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
补全单词,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. J_nuary ( ) 2. J_ly( ) 3. S_ _tember F_bruary A_gustO_tober A. B. C.-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看
将序数词与基数词匹配起来。( ) 1. seventh( ) 2. fourth ( ) 3. eighth ( ) 4. ninth( ) 5. eleventh A. eleven B. eightC. four D.nine E. seven( ) 6. twelft-四年级英语 单词、词组 2019-08-09 查看