
首页 > 高校 > 出国留学/2018-04-05 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


  Sunday Roast Dinner

  A Sunday roast dinner is typically made up of a roasted meat dish such as roasted chicken, roast beef or pork, some vegetables on the side, some Yorkshire pudding (a crispy dough ring), stuffing and gravy made from the juices of the cooked  meat is seasoned, bound and then roasted for many hours in an oven to make the meat tender and juicy. Usually the house would smell like roast dinner for the whole day.


  Toad in a Hole

  A savoury dish made up of crispy Yorkshire pudding with British sausages in the middle.


  Cottage Pie

  This is a savoury dish made of potato, meat and vegetables and baked in the oven.



  Curry is a classic British dish. Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, curry grew increasingly popular in Britain. Following World War II, curry became even more popular in Britain owing to the large number of immigrants from South Asia. Brits love a good old curry on a weekend evening with an ice cold beer.


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