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  前言:为什么我们推荐您去巴黎?参观巴黎的标志性博物馆(如卢浮宫和奥赛博物馆),纪念碑(如埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门)和教堂(如圣心大教堂和巴黎圣母院) 。尽管如此,旅行者应该节省一些时间在白天在人行道上的咖啡馆放松,晚上还可以品尝到美味的葡萄酒。



  The City of Light draws millions of visitors every year with its unforgettable ambiance. Of course, the divine cuisine and vast art collections deserve some of the credit as well. The gentle River Seine rambles through the city, flanked by stately museums, centuries-old churches, and blocks of Rococo- and Neoclassic-design architecture, further enhanced by cascading trees and glowing streetlamps. Peppering the Seine's cobbled walks and graceful bridges are impossibly chic Parisians, probably on their way to the market, cafe or cinema.Containing world-class museums, fashion, cuisine and an atmosphere all its own, Paris is also a city of "many splendors," as Ernest Hemingway recalled in his memoir, "A Moveable Feast." Visit the beloved Musée d'Orsay, shop the biggest designers on the Champs élysées or hit the boutiques in Le Marais, take in the view atop the Eiffel Tower, or even plan a day trip to Versailles Palace. But don't miss out on the simple pleasure of meandering the marvelous arrondissements (districts), or snacking on street crepes either.




  #1 in Best Places to Visit in June


  #1 in Best Places to Visit in France


  #2 in Best Winter Vacations in Europe


  #2 in Best Summer Vacations


  #3 in Best Destination Wedding Spots in Europe


  #4 in Best Places to Visit in Europe


  #5 in World's Best Places to Visit


  #6 in Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe


  #8 in Best Honeymoon Destinations



  If it's your first time to Paris, you'll probably want to spend some time at the world-renowned Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre-Dame, but don't miss out on other notable city jewels such as the Musée d'Orsay, the Luxembourg Gardens or Le Marais. There's no way you'll get to do it all – museum-touring, shopping, cemetery-perusing, district-exploring, opera-attending – so plan your own itinerary, group sightseeing nearby attractions together and see Paris on your own terms. How we rank Things to Do.

  如果这是您第一次来巴黎,您可能会想要在世界著名的艾菲尔铁塔,卢浮宫 和巴黎圣母院度过一段时间,但不要错过其他著名的城市珠宝,如 奥赛博物馆, 卢森堡花园或 Le Marais。没有办法做到这一切- 博物馆巡回演出,购物,墓地考察,地区探索,歌剧参加- 所以计划自己的行程,分组观光附近的景点,并按照自己的条件看到巴黎。 我们如何排名的事情。



  Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is seen as a Parisian icon. Located right along the picturesque River Seine, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is considered a Gothic masterpiece and is often regarded as one of the best Gothic cathedrals of its kind in the world. Construction of the famous cathedral started in the late 10th century and final touches weren't made until nearly 200 years later. And once you get an eyeful of the cathedral yourself, you'll start to understand why it took so long.The architectural details of the Notre-Dame are intricate and become more abundant the closer you get. The front entrance boasts carefully carved statues that integrate seamlessly into its stone facade. The portal of judgment entrance, in particular, is just one example of this awe-inspiring architectural style. The back end of the cathedral is just as spectacularly detailed, featuring an ornate flying buttress just begging to be photographed. Inside, travelers will find sky-high gilded ceilings and stained-glass windows throughout. If you want to do more than just meander around, visitors have the option of climbing the cathedral's 387 steps for top-notch views of the city. Or you can venture below to the crypt to view ancient remains.

  Travelers found the architecture of the Notre-Dame to be amazing both inside and out. Those who ventured to the top of the cathedral thoroughly enjoyed the views, but were annoyed at how little time they were afforded by cathedral officials. Because going to the top of the Notre-Dame is such a popular activity, and there's so little space at the top, the cathedral restricts the number of people at the top as well as how long they can be there. Also, be prepared to wait. The attraction sees upward of 13 million visitors per year, so unless you come really early in the morning or late at night, there will likely be throngs of people at the front plaza and long lines to the top of the cathedral.Notre Dame is open Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 6:45 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 7:45 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. There is no entrance fee, even if you want to climb to the top of the cathedral. The towers are open daily April through September from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. October through March. You'll find Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of the city; subsequently, the Cité stop on the metro's line 4 is the nearest. To learn more, visit Notre Dame's website.


  游客们发现这座圣母院的建筑在里里外外都很神奇。那些冒险到大教堂顶端的人完全欣赏这些景色,但他们对大教堂官员所能提供的时间却很少感到恼火。因为去圣母院的顶端是一种很受欢迎的活动,而且顶部的空间很小,大教堂限制了顶层的人数,也限制了他们在那里的时间。同样,要做好等待的准备。每年有1300万游客前来观光,所以除非你在清晨或深夜才来,否则可能会有成群的人在前面广场和长长的队伍排到大教堂的顶端。巴黎圣母院周一至周五上午7点45分至下午6时45分开放。星期六和星期日从早上7:45到晚上7:15。即使你想爬上大教堂的顶端,也没有入场费。每天从早上10点到下午6点30分,塔都是开放的。上午10时至下午5时30分10月到3月。你会在市中心找到圣母院;随后,地铁4号线上的Cite stop是最近的。要了解更多信息,请访问圣母大学的网站。

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