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  现如今,埃菲尔铁塔仍被用于通信传输,但主要是由于它的宏伟。如果你能相信的话,许多巴黎人最初发现这个建筑奇迹只不过是一种眼色。无论如何,现如今的埃菲尔铁塔是世界上参观人数最多的旅游景点之一。游客可以走到埃菲尔铁塔的第一层,或者乘坐电梯直达顶层,在那里可以看到城市的全景。尽管最近一些游客抱怨排队的时间太长,尤其是在夏季,但你可以通过在埃菲尔铁塔的网站上订票来绕过等待。虽然有些旅行者并不为登顶而疯狂,但很多人都认为这是值得的。游客们也强烈建议在晚上进行额外的徒步旅行。那是因为每小时,成千上万的闪烁的灯泡使埃菲尔铁塔闪闪发光,让游客们叹为观止。你可以到达巴黎最著名的地标,从“伯哈基姆”、“特罗卡多罗”或“Ecole Militaire”地铁站,入场券的价格取决于你想要走多高,以及你如何选择到达那里(电梯或楼梯)。大多数游客选择乘坐电梯到顶层,成人票价为17欧元(约合19美元),年龄在12至24岁之间的游客为14.50欧元(约合16.27美元),4至11岁的儿童为8欧元(约合9美元)。进入楼梯和电梯到二楼比较便宜。欲了解更多信息,请访问该地标的网站。


  关键信息: 下午2:30参观

  Straddling the 3ème and 4ème arrondissements (districts), Le Marais is one of Paris' oldest and coolest districts – so cool, in fact, that French writer Victor Hugo (author of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "Les Misérables") called it home. With all of its cobblestone streets, stately stone architecture and tucked away courtyards, it's easy to feel as if you're strolling through medieval Paris. Back in the day, Le Marais housed some notable French royalty. King Henry IV was the one responsible for the construction of the Place des Vosges, Paris' oldest square. And Louis XIV called this neighborhood home for a while until he decided to move his family and court to Versailles. Much of Le Marais also survived the destruction made durin

  Visitors say the best (and easiest) way to experience Le Marais is to simply walk around. Strolling through its lively streets, travelers couldn't help but fall in love with Le Marais and all its offerings. Le Marais' vast amenities, including its many delectable eateries, kept travelers entertained (and satiated) for hours on end while the neighborhood's beautiful architecture left many in awe. This, in combination with the district's overall fun atmosphere, made the neighborhood a choice place to stay for travelers while in Paris (the area is known for its swanky hotels). If you're interested in learning more about Le Marais' rich history, consider joining a walking tour. DiscoverWalks offers free walking tours around the neighborhood every day at 2:30 p.m.Le Marais is free to explore all hours of the day, however individual business may have their own entry fees or hours. The best starting point to explore Le Marais is from Saint-Paul, which services line 1. The Sully-Morl


  尽管有着古老的法国氛围,这个社区在其一生中一直扮演着多种文化的主人。自13世纪以来,玛黑区一直是这个城市的犹太人区。这四分之一的历史可以在玫瑰街最常见,它的特色是一些老派的delis和面包房。如今,玛黑区是该市同性恋社区的中心,别致的精品店和充满活力的夜生活选择超过了传统的犹太餐馆。玛黑区也以其美味的沙拉而闻名(尤其是在L 'As du Fallafel),购物和众多的艺术画廊和博物馆。在这里你可以找到蓬皮杜中心、法国国家档案馆、毕加索博物馆和欧洲最古老的科学博物馆——博物馆。除了附近的精品店,玛黑区也以其众多的古董店和专卖店而闻名,其中就包括了pape。古董猎人会在圣保罗的村子里找到一堆好东西,而美食家们则会高兴地参观巴黎最古老的集市——马尔凯·德·恩弗特·鲁格斯。





  Towering over the eclectic neighborhood of Montmartre (once a hangout for Paris' bohemian crowd), this Roman-Byzantine masterpiece is easily recognized by its ornate ivory domes. As blanched as it may appear on the outside, the basilica's interior is a sight worth beholding: The ceilings glitter with France's largest mosaic, which depicts Jesus rising alongside the Virgin Mary and Joan of Arc.You'll also likely be left in awe with the panoramic views found from atop the Sacré-Coeur's outdoor staircase. But for an even better photo op, climb all 300 steps to the top of the dome. The dome is accessible to visitors every day from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. from May to September, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from October to April. Mass is held multiple times a day every day.

  While the Sacre-Coeur does receive its fair share of crowds, travelers say braving the many tourists was worth it. Visitors found the church to be magnificent and although some admit it's tempting to just stay outside and admire the views of Paris, travelers strongly recommend exploring the church's stunning interiors. Travelers also suggested making a trek during sunset and if you stick around long enough, you'll be able to see the Eiffel Tower's sparkling lights illuminate the skyline. Though if you can't fit that in your schedule, carve out some time to explore the charming Montmartre neighborhood, especially the Place du Tertre, a public square.You can reach the Sacré-Coeur from the Anvers metro stop on line 2; from there, you can ride the funicular up the mountain to the basilica. But to truly experience Montmartre's magical atmosphere, climb the neighborhood's winding stone, located next to the funicular. The Sacré-C?ur opens its doors to visitors every day from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., and admission is free. Visit the basilica's website for more information.