January Summer School 2016
Monday 11 January 1月11日星期一 |
Lectures start 课程开始 |
Thursday 14 January 1月14日星期四 |
Closing date for partial waivers of assessment, prerequisite and other dispensation applications
Friday 15 January 1月15日星期五 |
Last day to enrol, change courses or withdraw and be eligible for a refund of fees 注册入学、变更课程、放弃入学资格以及申请退款的截止时间 |
Monday 8 February 2月8日星期一 |
Public Holiday - Waitangi Day observed 节假日 |
Friday 12 February 2月12日星期五 |
Lectures end 课程结束 |
Monday 15 - Tuesday 16 February 2月15(星期一)-16日(星期二) |
Examination period |
Friday 19 February 2月19日星期五 |
Examination results released 考试成绩公布 |
Thursday 24 March 3月24日星期四
Last day for recount/reconsideration applications for examination scripts 申请补考截止时间 |
When you have accepted your offer, LUCAS will update your To Do list with a new item: Enrol. After 1 October each year you can select the individual courses you want to study, and enrol in them. You'll do this each year that you are at Lincoln. Every year of your degree/qualification you will enrol in a number of courses – some of which are compulsory and some you can choose. The number of each depends upon the qualification you have chosen.
Clear your To Do List
It is important to provide all the documentation as requested by the University in your To Do list in your Student Centre on LUCAS. This includes enrolling in classes, checking information we hold about you, editting it as required, and telling us how you will pay your fees.
Submit your Enrolment
This is the final step. Once your To Do list is clear,you can submit your enrolment to finish. You'll then receive information about your student ID card, student email address and access to the student network. And you are ready to join Lincoln.
在最新的2013年英国大学排名中University of Lincoln ,《TIMES》排名第52位,《卫报》排名第47位。
2012年英国大学排名中University of Lincoln ,《TIMES》排名 55位,《卫报》排名57。
本科学费:15395英镑/年-16460 英镑/年
研究生学费:10854-12485 英镑/年生活费: 5150 镑/年
閻℃帒鎳庣粩鑸电瑹閸喖鐒洪幖瀛樸仦缁楀懘宕¢弴姘卞枠闁诡垽鎷� 婵絽绻愰妵澶嬶紣閸℃绲块柛鎺濆亰閺佸﹥娼婚崶椋庣闁告娲栧畷鐔稿濡鍔曞ù婊庡亗缁楀宕戦敓锟�- 最新内容
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