Editor(编辑) WantedEditor needed to direct the work of new music magazine. At least two years editorial experience needed. Hours:8 : 00 AM to 5 : 00 PM. Some-九年级英语

首页 > 考试 > 英语 > 初中英语 > 广告布告类阅读/2019-11-12 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


                        Editor(编辑) Wanted              
Editor needed to direct the work of new music magazine. At least two years editorial experience needed. Hours:8 : 00 AM to 5 : 00 PM. Some overtime required. Send your personal information to : P. O. Box 213, Fairview, IN. 46243.
                        Bank Manager
Town Bank is looking for a bank manager to head its downtown branch(分行). A person with 5+ years experience. Working Hours:8 : 30 AM to 5 : 60 PM. Mail to newbank@gol. com for more information.
                        Teachers Needed
Language Centre needs experienced teachers for its new English teaching program. PT/FT(兼/专职) positions available(职位空缺). No more than 25 teaching hours a week. AM/PM changes. Teachers with background in computer skills preferred (优先).
                         Nurses in Need      .
Child Care Centre serves children from 3 to 6 years of age. It provides care five days a week, and is open about ten hours a day. It is in great need of nurses with the experience of guiding(指导) different activities such as indoor and outdoor games.  Call 432-3745 or visit our website: www. vps. msu. edu/cfcr.
小题1:A person with ______ of experience is needed to head the bank.
A.at least two yearsB.twenty-five years
C.three to six yearsD.more than five years
小题2:You should work for _______ if you become an editor of the magazine.
A.just nine hours a day
B.no less than nine hours a day
C.about ten hours a day
D.less than 25 hours a week
小题3:If you want to be a teacher, you can _______ for more information.
A.call 567-1234B.mail to < newbank@gol. com >
C.phone 432-3745D.write to P. O. Box 213, Fairview
小题4: You need to have the experience of directing different activities to _______.
A.be an editor of the music magazine
B.head a bank branch of Town Band
C.teach English in Language Centre
D.work as a nurse in Child Care Centre
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Child Care Centre doesn’t provide care for children of all ages.
B.Teachers are wanted to teach English in the Language Centre.
C.One with computer skills will be preferred to head the bank.
D.Your own information is available(可用的) for the position of the editor.

题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



小题1:细节理解题,根据文中第二段的语句“A person with 5+ years experience.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中第一段的语句“Hours:8 : 00 AM to 5 : 00 PM. Some overtime required.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“It is in great need of nurses with the experience of guiding(指导) different activities such as indoor and outdoor games.”理解可知。

据专家权威分析,试题“ Editor(编辑) WantedEditor needed to direct the work of new ..”主要考查你对  广告布告类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 这类阅读的文本主要选取的是广告、布告类的文本类型,贴近生活和实事,时尚元素较多。因此他相对来说距离学生生活较近,对学生的时事敏感度要求也比较高。

  • 广告布告类阅读注意事项:
    1. 品味广告的标题,联系平时所积累的知识,为了解材料大意作铺垫。
    2. 要特别留意广告中包含的数字、联系人、地址等。
    3. 要注意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是材料的核心或至少是一部分内容的概括。

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