完形填空。Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the world.He was born in 1770 and 1 in 1827.Beethoven's father was a singer.2 the boy was only four,-八年级英语

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    Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the world.  He was born in 1770 and   1    in 1827.
    Beethoven's father was a singer.    2   the boy was only four, his father decided to make him  a    3  .  
So Beethoven had to play hour after hour on different musical instruments.  He learned so fast that he
could go around   4  give concerts when he was only 11.  When he was 17, he won high praise from
Mozart,a great   5 .
    A few years later Beethoven went to Vienna to   6  under Haydn,  another .great musician. Soon he
could write a lot of   7   himself. But he was often poor and ill during his life.  After one illness, he
suddenly found    8    deaf. At that time he was only 31.  But this did not    9   Beethoven.  The surprising
thing is that he wrote some of his    10  , his most beautiful pieces such as Destiny, after he became deaf.
(     )1. A.  worked
(     )2. A. When    
(     )3. A. worker  
(     )4. A. while  
(     )5. A. singer  
(     )6. A. live    
(     )7. A. music  
(     )8. A. itself  
(     )9. A. make    
(     )10. A better  
B. taught  
B. Then    
B. musician
B. and      
B. painter  
B. study    
B. novels  
B. himself  
B. work    
B. good    
C. died      
C. Before    
C. teacher  
C. but      
C. musician  
C. listen to
C. books    
C. he        
C. stop      
C. well      
D. lived  
D. After  
D. dancer  
D. or      
D. traveler
D. watch  
D. articles
D. it      
D. help    
D. Best    
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5     CABBC    6-10   BABCD

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