81-year-old man helped poor studentsOn December 2, 2009, in No.1 High School, Yaling Town, Yichuan County, Luoyang, an old man with a stick is taking 300 notebo-八年级英语

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81-year-old man helped poor students
On December 2, 2009, in No.1 High School, Yaling Town, Yichuan County, Luoyang, an old man with a stick is taking 300 notebooks and 120 ball pens out of a bag. He is giving these things to more than 20 poor students one by one. Where is his money from? He gets the money by picking up and selling waste materials (废品). (1) This is not the only time; the old man keeps this kindness for 14 years.
The old man’s name is Hu Fasheng. Hu joined the Party in 1952. In 1961, he hurt his left leg and became disabled (残疾的). (2)Once he was a village officer until 1995. He felt uncomfortable when he was free. So, from 1995, he began to pick up waste materials in the village and sold them. With the money, he bought school things for children and food for the old people in the village.
Hu can get more than 100 yuan from selling waste materials every month, but he lives a simple life. He usually eats noodles for meals. There are not any expensive things in his home. Hu is old, but he says he can do more good things for society.
1.How does the old man get the money?
2.When did Hu Fasheng begin to pick up waste materials in the village?

题型:完形填空  难度:偏易


1.He gets the money by picking up and selling waste materials.
2.In / From1995.
4.He used to be a village officer until 1995.
5.old, disabled, kind ,generous, (unselfish)…

1. 特殊疑问句,问的方式。根据He gets the money by picking up and selling waste materials可知他是通过捡和卖废品得到的钱。
2. 特殊疑问句,问的时间。根据So, from 1995, he began to pick up waste materials in the village可知他是在1995年开始的。
3. 此题考查翻译技能。not the only time 不是仅有的一次,keep指保持,kindness指善良,善举,for表示时间的延续。故连起来可翻译为:这不是仅有的一次,老人保持这种善举已经14年了。
4. 本句中的once表示曾经,相当于used to be,但其中能跟在主语之后,故换成:He used to be a village officer until 1995。
5. 本题是个归纳题,由文中81-year-old man可知他old(很老);从he hurt his left leg and became可知他残疾(disabled)了;从他把钱捐给学生可知他善良(kind)、大方(generous)、无私(unselfish)。

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