阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents. However,it is not true. Communication(交流)is a problem -八年级英语

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Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents. However,it is not true. Communication(交流)is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents,don't worry about it. Here is some advice about getting on well with parents.
Don't argue(争辩)with your parents. Don't talk with your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't think over your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express yourself well if you are angry. Go some place to cool off and think about what you want to say to your parents.
Try to reach an agreement. Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Sometimes your parents might refuse to accept your reasons for something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.
Talk about your values (价值观). The values of your parents are probably different from yours. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.
A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!
小题1:Is communication a problem only for parents and school children?
小题2:How many pieces of advice does the writer give you?
小题3:What should you do when your parents refuse to accept your reasons?
小题4:Why do you need to talk about your values with your parents?
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?

题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


小题3:We should show our love and respect to our parents.
小题4:To help my parents understand my values and help them see my purposes in life.
小题5:How to get on well with parents. / Some advice about getting on well with parents.

小题1:细节理解题。根据提问交流问题仅是父母和孩子之间的问题吗?由it is not true. Communication(交流)is a problem for parents and children of all ages.可知作为一般疑问句应用NO做出否定回答。
小题2:简单计算题。. How many提问的是具体数目的多少,题中问道作者给出多少条建议,由文章可知是3条,1,Don't argue(争辩)with your parents. 2Try to reach an agreement.3 Talk about your values (价值观).故答案为3
小题3:细节理解题。句意:当父母拒绝你是你应该怎么办?由原文Sometimes your parents might refuse to accept your reasons for something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them可知故答案为We should show our love and respect to our parents.
小题4:细节理解题。句意:为什么你需要和你的父母谈论价值关?由原文tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your valueswhy提问的是原因,可知故答案为To help my parents understand my values and help them see my purposes in life.
小题5:主旨大意题。句意:这篇文章主要讲什么?文章告诉我们和父母有矛盾是的建议可知道文章的主旨是怎么样和父母搞好关系。故答案为How to get on well with parents. / Some advice about getting on well with parents.

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