My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries but Ray doesn’t. I don’t like fish for supper-七年级英语

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My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries but Ray doesn’t. I don’t like fish for supper, but Bob and Ray do. They both think(认为) fish is very delicious. I like noodles for breakfast . We all like chicken and rice for supper.
小题1:How many children(孩子们) are there ?
小题2:What do they like for lunch ?
小题3:Who doesn’t like French fries?
小题4:Do Bob and Ray like fish for supper ?
小题5:What do they like for supper?

题型:完形填空  难度:中档


小题4:Yes, they do.
小题5:chicken and rice

小题1:根据短文的第一句话My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray可知,这篇短文的作者是Dan,他有两个兄弟Bob和Ray。所以这里一共有三个孩子。
小题2:根据短文的第二句话We like hamburgers for lunch可知,这三个孩子都午饭都喜欢吃汉堡。
小题3:根据短文中Bob and I like French fries but Ray doesn’t.可知,我和Bob都喜欢吃炸薯条,但是Ray不喜欢。所以这个题应该回答Ray。
小题4:根据短文第二行I don’t like fish for supper, but Bob and Ray do.可知,我晚饭不喜欢吃鱼,但是Bob和Ray喜欢。这句话中的do是代替前面的动词like,为了避免重复。
小题5:根据短文的最后一句话We all like chicken and rice for supper.可知,这三个孩子晚饭都喜欢吃鸡肉和米饭。故本题答案是chicken and rice。

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