词汇运用。1. They think it might be the _________ (风), but I don't think so. 2. I don't like eating chocolate. It tastes too _________ (甜). 3. Could yo-九年级英语

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a)hear sb. do sth 听到某人做某事 hear sb. doing sth.听到某人正在做某事
b)make sb.do sth 迫使某人做某事 help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事
c)1et sb.do sth.让某人做某事 had better do sth.最好做某事
30. fall to the ground 倒在地上
31.go over 走过去,复习功课
32. hurry to school 勿忙去上学
33.be late for the first class 第一节课迟到
34.say with a smile 微笑地说
35.be glad to do sth.高兴做某事
36.do a good thing (deed) 做一件好事
37.fall ill=be i11 生病,患病
38.take sb. to a hospital 把某人送到医院
39.rain heavily 下大雨
40.on the road 在公路上
41.not know what to do 不知道该做什么
42.just then 正在那时
43.come up 走进,上来
44.in front of 在……前面
45.thank sb. again and again 反复感谢某人
46.drive away (汽车)离开
run away 跑开
take away 拿走
47.right away 立刻
48.right now 此刻,刚才,现在
49.get home 到家 get there 到达哪儿 get here 到达这儿
50. yesterday morning 昨天晚上
51.leave the hospital 离开医院
52.no buses=not any buses 没有车
53.say to sb.对某人说 say to oneself 自言自语
54.fall off 跌落
55.need to get up early 需要早起床
56.hurt my arm 胳膊受伤
57.What's wrong with you?=What's the matter with you? 你怎么了?
58.do one's homework on the computer 在电脑上做作业
59.have four English lessons 上四节英语课
60.once a week 一周一次 twice a year 一年两次 three times a month 一个月三次
61.do more listening and speaking 做大量的听说练习
do some cleaning 扫除
do some washing 洗衣服
do some shopping 购物
62.make good progress in English 在英语方面取得很大进步
63.help a lot in our studies 在学习上给子很大帮助
64.teach sb. English 教某人英语
65.get to school 到达学校
66.give sb.lessons 给某人上课
67.ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事
ask sb.not to do sth.要求某人不要做某事
68.let sb. do sth.让某人做某事
1et sb. not do sth.让某人不要做某事
69.not……until 直到……才
70.make one's lessons interesting 使某人的课上的很有趣
71.tell sb. how to do sth.告诉某人怎样做某事
72.try to learn new things be oneself 设法靠自己学一些新的知识
73.want to be a history teacher 想成为一名历史老师
74.grow up 长大
75.in future 在将来
76.computer room (电脑)机房
77.language lab 语言室
78.finish middle school 中学毕业
79.want to become (be) a designer 想成为一名设计家
80.wish to be doctor 希望成为一名医生
81.an American boy 一个美国男孩儿
82.study in a high school 在高中学习
83.in Grade Eight 在八年级
84.finish primary school 小学毕业
85.start school at the age of seven
=begin to school when I was seven 七岁开始上学
86.move to Washington with his family 和他全家搬到华盛顿
87.be interested in 对……感兴趣
88.want to become a doctor of Chinese medicine 想成为一名中医
89.come here to learn Chinese 来这儿学习中文
90.a nice school 一所好的学校
91.instead of 代替
92.in many ways 在许多方面
93.be different from 与……不同
94.by the way 顺便说
95.come back home 回家
96.be sorry for 为…难过,遗憾
97.feel sorry for 为…难过,遗憾
98.burn away 燃烧没了
99.open the door 开门
100.take sb. in one's arms 拥抱某人
101.have some medicine 吃药
102.have a football match 进行一场足球比赛
103.have a meeting 开会
104.walk back 向后走
105.give sth. back to sb. 把某物还给某人
106. work through the night 通宵工作
107.get through the examinations=pass the exam 通过考试
108.happen to 发生
l09.knock at the door 敲门
110.want to do sth. 想做…
111.fall down 掉下来
112.begin to do sth. 开始做…
113.have some tea 喝茶
114.have sports 进行体育锻炼
115.have a bad coId 得了重感冒
116.have a good time 玩的很高兴
117.keep back 向后退
118.so…that 如此…以至于…


  • 语态:

  • 被动语态的构成:
    主语+be +过去分词(+by+动作的发出者)
    ① 一般现在时:am/is/are+过去分词
    如:Trees are planted every year.
    ② 现在进行时 am/is/are+ being +过去分词
    如:The road is being repaired. 
    ③ 现在完成时 have/has + been +过去分词
    如:The work has been finished.
    ④ 一般过去时 was/were + 过去分词
    如:The story was told by him.
    Many birds were killed last year.
    ⑤过去进行时 was/were+ being + 过去分词
    如: The new house was being painted when I got home.
    ⑥过去完成时 had +been+ 过去分词
    如: He told me that the work had been finished.
    ⑦一般将来时  will +be + 过去分词
    如:The problem will be discussed tomorrow.
    ⑧ 过去将来时 would/should +be +过去分词
    如: He said that the Christmas tree would be put up soon.
    情态动词+ be +过去分词    
    如:The problem must be solved soon.
    Children should be taught to love animals.

  • 被动语态使用注意:
    1. 不及物动词无被动语态。 如:happen, break down, come out......
    What will happen in 100 years.
    The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.
    2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。 如: write, sell, ride.....
    This pen writes well.
    This new book sells well.
    3. 感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的动词不定式,主动语态中不带“to”,但变为被动语态时,须加上“to”。
    例:make somebody do something→somebody+ be +made to do something
    see somebody do something→somebody +be +seen to do something
    A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by.→My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by.
    The boss made the little boy do heavy work.→The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss.
    4. 如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物)作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定。
    He gave me a book.→A book was given to me by him.
    He showed me a ticket.→A ticket was shown to me by him.
    My father bought me a new bike. →A new bike was bought for me by my father.
    5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。
    We can’t laugh at him. →He can’t be laughed at by us.
    He listens to the radio every day. →The radio is listened to by him every day.
    The nurse is taking care of the sick man. →The sick man is being taken care of by the nurse.

  • 主动句变为被动句所遵循的4个步骤:
    ②把动词变为被动形式即be +过去分词,并注意其人称和数随主语的变化,而动词的时态则保持不变。

    这类动词有take place, happen, come about, break out, appear, disappear, last,  arise等。
    例如:A fire broke out during the night.
    这类动词有have, lack, fit, hold, suit, resemble等。 
    例如:My shoes do not fit me.
    例如:We should help each other.

    ①系动词(如look, sound, smell, feel, taste, prove等)要用主动表被动,因为系动词为不及物动词,它们没有被动语态形式。
    例如:The building looks very beautiful.
    ②当open, close, shut, lock, move, read, wash, clean, cook, cut, wear, carry 等用作不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。
    例如:The book sells well.
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