All big cities are quite similar. Living in a modern Asian city isn’t very different from living in an American city. 小题1:______ In many parts of the world,-九年级英语

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All big cities are quite similar. Living in a modern Asian city isn’t very different from living in an American city. 小题1:______
In many parts of the world, farmers and their families live in villages or towns. In the United States, however, each farm family lives on its own fields, often beyond (在……之外) the sight of any neighbors. Instead of traveling from the village to the fields every morning, American farmers stay on their land the whole week. 小题2:______ Their children ride on buses to large schools for all the farm families living in the area. In some areas, there are small schools serving a few farm families, and the children walk to school. Of course life keeps changing for everyone, including farmers. 小题3:______ And there are also modern machines for farming. All of these have changed the farm life.
小题4:______ Farmers usually had to deal with their own problems, instead of getting help from others. They learned to try new ways, and to trust their own ideas rather than (而不) followed the old ways.
A. Today there are cars, good roads, radios and television sets.
B. The same can not be said about living on farms, however.
C. Many years ago, however, farming in America was often a lonely way of living.
D. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church.
小题5: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Life in the world also keeps changing.
B.Life in the United States keeps changing.
C.American farmers like their old ways.
D.American farmers have changed their lives.

题型:完形填空  难度:中档



小题1:细节理解题。根据In many parts of the world, farmers and their families live in villages or towns(在世界许多地方,农民和他们的家人居住在村庄或者城镇中。)可知,本题选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据each farm family lives on its own fields(每个农民家庭居住在他们自己的土地上)可知,本题选D。
小题3:细节理解题。根据And there are also modern machines for farming(为农业也有现代化的机械)可知,本题选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据Farmers usually had to deal with their own problems, instead of getting help from others(农民通常必须自己处理他们自己的问题,来代替从其他人那里得到帮助)可知,本题选C。
小题5:细节理解题。根据They learned to try new ways, and to trust their own ideas rather than followed the old ways(他们学习尝试新的方法,去相信他们自己的主意,而不是遵循就的方式)可知,本题选C。

据专家权威分析,试题“All big cities are quite similar. Living in a modern Asian ..”主要考查你对  单词、词组  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 根据最新人教版版和牛津版的初中英语教材的词汇量,一个水平较高的初中毕业生的词汇量应在2400左右。

  • 初中单词节选100例:
    2ill  adj 病的
    3hope  v 希望
    4composition  n 作文作品
    5 remember  v 记起,想起
    6 were  v 动词be(are)的过去式
    7 bit  n 一点儿,小片
    8 a bit  phr. 一点儿
    9 healthy  adj 健康的,健壮的
    10 grow up  phr. 成长,长大
    11 visit  v 参观,访问,拜访
    12 ago  adv 以前
    13 the day before yesterday  phr 前天
    14 enjoy  v 喜欢,享受...乐趣
    15 world  n 世界
    16 at the same time  phr. 同时
    17 a moment ago  phr. 刚才
    18 just now  phr. 不久以前,刚才
    19 reply  n & v 答复,回答
    20 by the way  phr. 顺便说,顺便问一下
    21 match  n 比赛,竞赛
    22 cold  adj 冷的,寒冷的
    23 drive  v 驾驶
    24 plan  n 计划
    25 diary  n 日记
    26 make telephone calls  phr. 打电话
    27 go out  phr. 外出,到外面
    28 India  n 印度
    29 went  v 动词go的过去式
    30 rain  v 下雨
    31 rained  v 动词rain的过去式
    32 momery  n 记忆力,存储器
    33 pack  v 打包,打行李
    34 everything  pron 每件事,每样东西,一切
    35 umbrella  n 伞,雨伞
    36 anyone  pron 任何人
    37 date  n 日期
    38 season  n 季节
    39 write down  phr. 写下,记下
    40 January  n 一月
    41 March  n 三月
    42 June  n 六月
    43 July  n 七月
    44 August  n 八月
    45 December  n 十二月
    46 spring  n 春天
    47 last  v 持续,耐久
    48 weather  n 天气
    49 warm  adj 暖和的,热情的
    50 come out  phr. (花)开,发(芽),出来
    51 heavily  adv 打量地,猛烈地,厉害地
    52 crop  n 庄稼,收成
    53 really  adv 确实,真正地
    54 snow  n & v 雪,下雪
    55 snowman  n 雪人
    56 all the year round  phr. 一年到头
    57 true  adj 真的,真实的
    58 nearly  adv 将近,几乎
    59 unlike  prep 不像,和...不同
    60 opposite  adj 对面的,相反的
    61 sunny  adj 晴朗的,阳光充足的
    62 cloud  n 云
    63 cloudy  adj 多云的,阴天的
    64 wet  adj 湿的
    65 rainy  adj 多雨的,下雨的
    66 wind  n 风
    67 windy  adj 有风的,风大的
    68 snowy  adj 多雪的,降雪的
    69 later  adv 以后,后来
    70 later on  phr. 后来,稍后
    71 ring  v (钟,铃等)响,摇铃
    72 ring up  phr. 打电话
    73 west  n & adj 西方、西部(的)
    74 strange  adj 奇怪的,陌生的
    75 sunshine  n 日光,阳光
    76 melon  n 瓜
    77 radio  n 收音机
    78 report  n & v 报导,报告
    79 north  n & v 北方(的),北部(的)
    80 south  n & v 南方(的),南部(的)
    81 at times  phr. 有时,偶尔
    82 northeast  n 东北,东北部
    83 temperature  n 温度
    84 above  prep 在...上面
    85 daytime  n 白天
    86 below  prep 在...下,低于
    87 northwest  n 西北,西北部
    88 lift  v (云,雾等)消散,(雨)停止
    89 worse   adj & adv ( bad,ill的比较级)更坏,更差
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