Which is the largest among the four numbers? [ ]A. fifty percent B. three-fourths C. zero point eight D. two divided by three -九年级英语
six percent
(naught) point five eight percent
two hundred percent
The price of food was reduced by ten percent. 食品的价格下降了10%。
The loss of electricity has been reduced to less than thirty percent.电的损耗减少到30%以下。
由"分数(或百分数)+ of + 名词"构成的名词词组作主语时,其后的动词形式依of词组中的名词类别而定。例如:
Two thirds of the swampland has been reclaimed for farming. 三分之二的沼泽地已经开垦为农田了。
Over sixty percent of the doctors were women. 超过百分之六十的医生是女性。
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上一篇:There were about six _______ students in the school building during the earthquake, and _______ of them didn't run out. [ ]A. hundred, two third B. hundred, -九年级英语
下一篇:— There are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use weibo very often. — 44? That means about _____ of your classmates are weibo users, right? [ ]A. half B-九年级英语
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