句型转换。1. He likes my shoes because they are in fashion. (同义句) He likes my shoes because they are _____.2. What does the cool mean?(同义句) What do yo-八年级英语

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Do you have enough time(time enough)to prepare?你有足够的时间做准备吗??   
Maybe it will be a possible chance(chance possible)for you.或许它将成为一次可能的机遇。
the writer present 出席的作者?  
the present writer 现在的作者?
This river is about 100 metres wide.
The building is more than 50 metres tall.
 He is less than 40 years old.
8. enough修饰名词时,在名词前后都可以。
They said that they had enough food.= They said that they had food enough.
 enough 修饰形容词和副词,位于其后。
 He is old enough to join the army.
 He isn’t old enough to go to school.
 what/who/where/when/when else
 What else did you do?
 Do you have anything else to say?
This is the book easy to read.

  • 形容词知识拓展:
    Robin Hooh(罗宾汉) hated the rich and loved the poor.
    The old are taken good  care of in American.
    the old/the young/the sick/the white/
    the black/the rich/the poor/the dead(死者)

    friendly  lonely (孤独的) ;lively (活着的);lovely(可爱的)

    (1)名词+过去分词  man-made satellite 人造卫星
    (2)形容词+现在分词  a good-looking man
    (3)形容词+名词  second-hand cars
    (4)数词+名词-ed   three-legged chairs三条腿的椅子
    (5)数词+名词  400- metre race
    (6)副词+现在分词  hard-working students
    (7)副词+过去分词  well-known writers
    (8)形容词+形容词  a dark-red jacket
    (9)形容词+过去分词  ready-made clothes 成品服装

    (1) It’s+adj. of sb. to do sth.
    (good/ kind/nice/polite/clever/foolish… )
    It’s very kind of you to help me.
    (2) It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.
    It’s important for us to learn English well.
     I'm glad to see you.
     I’m sorry to hear that.

    the moving story 令人感动的故事
    a moved boy   一个被感动的男孩
    a frightened child 一个被吓到的孩子
    a frightening film 一个恐怖电影

  • 考点名称:情态动词

    • 情态动词:
      无人称和数的变化,情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 “not”。
      个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式用来表达更加客气,委婉的语气, 时态性不强,可用于过去,现在或将来。情态动词属非及物动词,故没有被动语态。
      ①只做情态动词:must, can(could),may(might)……    
      ②可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need, dare   
      ③具有情态动词特征:have(had, has) to, used to    
      注:mustn't代表强烈禁止 must表示主观,have to表示客观。
      常用的有:can  may  could  must   have  use  .

    • 情态动词特点:
      情态动词无人称和数的变化,情态动词后面跟的动词须用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 "not"。
      He could be here soon.他很快就来。
      We can't carry the heavy box.我们搬不动那箱子。
      I'm sorry I can't help you.对不起,我帮不上你。

      What have you been doing since? (构成完成进行体,本身无词义)
      I am afraid I must be going. (一定要)
      You may have read some account of the matter. (或许已经)

      1) 除ought和used以外,其他情态动词后面只能接不带to的不定式。如果我们把ought to和used to看做是固定词组的话,那么,所有情态动词无一例外地只能接不带to的不定式:
      We used to grow beautiful roses.我们过去常常种这种漂亮的玫瑰花
      I asked if he would come and repair my television set.我问他是否来修我的电视机
      2) 情态助动词在限定动词词组总是位居第一:
      They need not have been punished so severely.
      3) 情态助动词用于第三人称单数现在时的时候,没有词形变化,即其词尾无-s形式:
      She dare not say what she thinks.
      4) 情态动词没有非限定形式,即没有不定式和分词形式,也没有相应的动名词:
      Still,she needn't have run away.
      Would you mind very much if I ask you to do something?
      She told him he ought not to have done it.
      6) 情态助动词之间是相互排斥的,即在一个限定动词词组中只能出现一个情态助动词,但有时却可以与have和be基本助动词连用:
      You should have washed the wound.
      Well,you shouldn't be reading a novel.
      Must I read books every day、
      No,you needn't

    • 常见情态动词用法:
      1.can (could) 表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及客观条件许可,could 为 can 的过去式。
      2.Must 必须,应该,一定,准是,表示说话人认为有必要做某事,命令,要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。
      must 用来指一般现在时和一般将来时, 过去式可用 have to 的过去式代替。
      must + have + 过去分词,表示现在对过去事物的推测。
      must 和 have to 的区别:must 表示说话人的主观思想,have to 表示客观需要。
      3.need 是一个情态动词,他的用法完全和其他情态动词一样,但 need 还可当作实义动词使用,这时 need 就象其他动词一样,有第三人称,单复数, 后面加带 to 的动词等特性。
      needn't + have + 过去分词 表示过去做了没必要做的事情。
      4.dare 除用作情态动词外,更多的是当实义动词使用, 用法同实义动词一样,要考虑人称,单复数,时态等。
      5.ought 应当,应该。后面跟带有 to 的动词不定式。
      ought + to have done 句型。指过去动作,表示一件事情该做而未做。
      ought not to have done 句型。表示一件不该做的事情却做了。
      6.will (would)决心,愿望。 would 为 will 的过去式,
      will, would用于疑问句表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问,用 would 比 will 更婉转,客气。
      7.Shall、should 表示命令,警告,允诺,征求,劝告,建议,惊奇。
      8.have to,不得不,必须,表示客观条件只能如此,而must 则表示主观思想。

    • 情态动词功能:
      情态助动词基本的有十四个:may, might; can, could; will, would; shall, should; must, need, dare, used to, ought to.had better 上述两类助动词的共同特征是,在协助主动词构成限定动词词组时,具有作用词的功能:
      1) 构成否定式:
      He didn't go and neither did she.
      The meeting might not start until 5 o'clock.
      2) 构成疑问式或附加疑问式:
      Must you leave right now?
      You have been learning French for 5 years, haven't you?
      3) 构成修辞倒装:
      Nowhere can he obtain any information about his sister.
      Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.
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