China and international financial security(国际金融安全的中国方案)

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閻℃帒鎳庣粩鑸电瑹閸喖鐒洪幖瀛樸仦缁楀懘宕¢弴姘卞枠闁诡垽鎷� 婵絽绻愰妵澶嬶紣閸℃绲块柛鎺濆亰閺佸﹥娼婚崶椋庣闁告娲栧畷鐔稿濡鍔曞ù婊庡亗缁楀宕戦敓锟�
China and international financial security(国际金融安全的中国方案)

China and international financial security(国际金融安全的中国方案)

作者:Zhang Hongli et al.[

开 本:24cm





China and international financial security(国际金融安全的中国方案) 本书特色

“全球治理的中国方案”丛书(中、英文版),全面、深入地向国际社会阐释中国的全球治理观,展现中国作为一个负责任的大国,积极参与全球治理,努力为全球治理贡献中国主张、中国智慧、中国方案,并以踏实稳健的步伐,推动构建合作共赢、公正合理的全球治理体系和治理机制。作为整体安全的重要组成部分,金融安全随时代发展上升为国际命题。在过去40年的时间里,中国金融走出了一条不同于西方发达国家的新路,不但有效维护了国内金融安全与稳定,还对区域经济稳定和全球经济增长起到了积极作用。站在全球发展的新时代,中国将以更加积极的态度投入全球治理体系改革中,在尊重文化差异和不同利益诉求的基础上,为构建公平、高效的国际金融体系贡献中国智慧。“全球治理的中国方案”丛书(中、英文版),全面、深入地向国际社会阐释中国的全球治理观,展现中国作为一个负责任的大国,积极参与全球治理,努力为全球治理贡献中国主张、中国智慧、中国方案,并以踏实稳健的步伐,推动构建合作共赢、公正合理的全球治理体系和治理机制。 作为整体安全的重要组成部分,金融安全随时代发展上升为国际命题。在过去40年的时间里,中国金融走出了一条不同于西方发达国家的新路,不但有效维护了国内金融安全与稳定,还对区域经济稳定和全球经济增长起到了积极作用。站在全球发展的新时代,中国将以更加积极的态度投入全球治理体系改革中,在尊重文化差异和不同利益诉求的基础上,为构建公平、高效的国际金融体系贡献中国智慧。 Driven by fast industrial developments and advancements in science and technology over the past few decades, global finance has become more powerful than ever before. However, the 2008 global financial crisis and its decade-long aftermath have brought the issue of financial security to the foreground, making it an indispensable part of global governance. In China and International Financial Security, the author analyzes the predicament of the current financial governance system, and stresses the world’s urgent needs for mutually-beneficial economic cooperation, enhanced regulatory systems, structural reforms in governance, and improvements in the global currency system. More importantly, this book also discusses China’s approaches to global financial security— seeking shared development, building a community with a shared future for mankind, and working toward a just and equal-footed global financial system.

China and international financial security(国际金融安全的中国方案) 内容简介

“全球治理的中国方案”丛书围绕“治理”“和平”“发展”三个*重要的主题,采取“3 7”的模式,共分为十分册。前三分册作为统领,围绕三大核心主题,综述中国完善全球治理体系的理念与实践,介绍中国参与全球治理的战略框架;其余七分册,按照当前全球治理的七大互动领域,包括金融安全、能源安全、气候治理、国际发展援助、人权保障、网络空间安全治理、国际反恐合作等,分别诠释全球治理具体领域的中国方案。 On several occasions since 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of China’s active participation in the international efforts to reform the system of global governance. Written by a group of prominent Chinese scholars and officials, the China and Global Governance Series aims to present the international readers with China’s approach to global governance and the Chinese wisdom behind it. In the ten titles forming this series, the authors elaborate on China’s perspectives on global governance, peace, and development, as well as seven other important aspects of global governance—financial security, energy security, climate change management, foreign aid, cybersecurity, human rights protection, and anti-terrorism.

China and international financial security(国际金融安全的中国方案) 目录

PrefaceChapter One China’s Approach to International Financial Security1.1 International Financial Security as a Public Good in Deficit1.2 Challenges to International Financial Security in the New Era1.3 Reform and Innovation for the Sustainability of International Financial SecurityChapter Two China’s Top-Level Design2.1 The Principle of Achieving Shared Growth through Discussion and Collaboration2.2 Financial Security System within China’s Holistic Approach to National Security2.3 Giving Developing Nations a Stronger Right to Representation in Global GovernanceChapter Three Financial Regulation System as Cornerstone3.1 International Financial Regulations in Global Financial Security3.2 International Financial Regulation System Reform after the Financial Crisis3.3 A New Regulatory System Based on Equal-Footed ConsultationChapter Four Economic Cooperation as the Material Basis4.1 International Financial Security Requires Reinforced Economic Cooperation4.2 China’s Actions for the Advancement of International Economic Cooperation4.3 The Belt and Road Initiative Leads a New Order of International Economic CooperationChapter Five Reforming the International Currency System5.1 The International Currency System as a Linchpin of International Financial Security5.2 The Growing Need for an International Currency System Reform5.3 Contributing Chinese Wisdom to the International Currency System ReformChapter Six The Development of International Financial Capabilities6.1 Reflecting the Interests of all Parties in International Financial Market Governance6.2 The Necessity of Stock and Incremental Reforms in International Financial Institutions6.3 Chinese Finance in the New Era Integrates China with the World Chapter Seven Building a Sound Financial Ecosystem7.1 Scientific and Technological Development’s Dual Impact on International Financial Security7.2 Global Environmental Threats in International Financial Security 7.3 China’s Active Role in Building a Global Financial Ecosystem

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閻℃帒鎳庣粩鑸电瑹閸喖鐒洪幖瀛樸仦缁楀懘宕¢弴姘卞枠闁诡垽鎷� 婵絽绻愰妵澶嬶紣閸℃绲块柛鎺濆亰閺佸﹥娼婚崶椋庣闁告娲栧畷鐔稿濡鍔曞ù婊庡亗缁楀宕戦敓锟�
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