词汇知识.工作记忆与二语阅读理解的关联性研究-(英文版)作者:苗丽霞 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787313190680 定价:78.0 出版时间:2018-03-01 出版社:上海交大 |
词汇知识.工作记忆与二语阅读理解的关联性研究-(英文版) 内容简介
词汇知识.工作记忆与二语阅读理解的关联性研究-(英文版) 目录
Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.2.1 Theoretical significance
1.2.2 Methodological significance
1.2.3 Pedagogical significance
1.3 Organization of the Book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Background
2.1.1 Vocabulary knowledge theories
2.1.2 Working memory theories
2.1.3 Reading comprehension theories
2.2 Empirical Studies
2.2.1 Vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension
2.2.2 Working memory in reading comprehension
2.2.3 Relationship between vocabulary knowledge and working memory
2.2.4 Vocabulary knowledge and working memory in reading comprehension/54
2.3 Summary of Theoretical Background and Empirical Studies
2.3.1 Summary of theoretical background
2.3.2 Summary of empirical studies
2.4 Unsettled Issues and Research Questions
2.4.1 Gaps in the literature
2.4.2 Reswarch questions of the present study Chupter Thee Rescarch Mcthatoloy
Chapter Three
3.1 Participants
3.2 Instruments
3.2.1 Vocalbulary knowledsge tests
3.2.2 Working memory capacity test
3.2.3 Reading comprehension test
3.3 Data Collection Procedures
3.4 Data Analysis Procedures
3.4.1 Anmlysis of vocabulary knowledge and L2 reading comprehension
3.4.2 Analysis of working memory and L2 reading comprehension
3.4.3 Analysis of vocabulary knowledge,working memory and L2 reading comprehension
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Relationship between Vocabulary Knowledge and L2 Reading Comprehension
4.1.1 Correlation between vocabulary knowledge and L2 reading comprehension
4.1.2 Vocabulary knowledge as direct predictors
4.1.3 Vocabulary knowledge as indirect predictors
4.2 Relationship between Working Memory and L2 Reading Comprehension
4.2.1 Correlation between working memory and L2 reading comprehension
4.2.2 Relationship between the processing and storage components of working memory
4.2.3 Correlation between the processing and storage components of working memory and L2 reading comprehension
4.3 Interaction between Vocabulary Knowledge and Working Memory on L2 Reading Comprehension/127
4.3.1 Comelation between vocabulary lnowledge and worlking menmory
4.3.2 Vocalblary mediating efiects on the reationship between woris memory and L.2 reading comprehension
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion of the Study
5.1 Major Findings of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Findings
5.2.1 Theoretical implications
5.2.2 Methodological implications
5.2.3 Pedagogical implications
5.3 Limitations of the Study
5.3.1 Population representation
5.3.2 Test reliability
5.3.3 Single measure of working memory capacity
5.4 Recommendation for Future Research
5.4.1 Dynamic contributions of vocabulary breadth and vocabulary depth to L2 reading comprehension
5.4.2 Contributions of morphological knowledge to L2 reading comprehension
5.4.3 Inclusion of other linguistic and cognitive factors /156
5.5 Summary
1.Vocabulary Breadth Test
2.Semantic Depth Test
3.Morphological Depth Test
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