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英语词汇.句法以及语义的多视角研究 本书特色

  《英语词汇、句法以及语义的多视角研究》稿通过对一所普通本科综合院校英语专业大三年级82名学生的产出性词汇水平测试、接受性词汇水平测试、英语专业四级进行分析,考察受试者的产出性词汇量、接受性词汇量以及英语专业四级成绩,揭示受试者产出性词汇量与英语专业四级成绩,接受性词汇量与英语专业四级成绩的相关性。研究中所得数据运用软件SPSS16.0 中的描述统计、皮尔逊相关关系及线性回归分析进行分析。

英语词汇.句法以及语义的多视角研究 目录

Chapter One An Exploration of the Relationship Between
English Vocabulary and English Comprehensive Ability
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Background of the Research
1.1.2 Purposes of the Research
1.1.3 Content of the Research
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 Vocabulary Knowledge
1.2.2 Relationships Between Vocabulary Knowledge and English Comprehensive Ability
1.3 Theoretical Framework
1.3.1 The History of the Development of the Language Testing
1.3.2 Terms Concerning Language Testing
1.3.3 Language Testing in EFL Teaching and Learning
1.4 Research Methodology
1.4.1 Research Questions
1.4.2 Participants
1.4.3 Instruments
1.4.4 Data Collection
1.4.5 Data Processing
1.5 Results and Discussions
1.5.1 Statistics Analysis of the Relationship of Different Variables
1.5.2 Discussion About Students' Vocabulary Knowledge and English Comprehensive Ability
1.6 Conclusions
1.6.1 Major Findings
1.6.2 Pedagogical Implication of the Current Research
1.6.3 Limitation of the Current Research
1.6.4 Suggestions for Future Research

Chapter Two On Syntactic Complexity and Semantic Cohesion in
Argumentative Writings of Chinese and American College
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Research Background
2.1.2 Research Purposes
2.1.3 Research Significance
2.1.4 Organization of This Chapter
2.2 Literature Review
2.2.1 Previous Studies on Syntactic Complexity
2.2.2 Previous Studies on Latent Semantic Analysis
2.2.3 Previous Studies by Using Coh-Metrix
2.2.4 Previous Studies by Using L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer (L2SCA)
2.2.5 Summary
2.3 Theoretical Framework
2.3.1 Theories on Corpus Linguistics
2.3.2 Theories on Syntactic Complexity
2.3.3 Theories on LSA
2.3.4 Theories on Argumentative Writings
2.4 Research Methodology
2.4.1 Research Questions
2.4.2 Research Instruments
2.4.3 Research Procedure
2.4.4 Data Collection and Data Analysis
2.5 Results and Discussions
2.5.1 Differences in Indices
2.5.2 Correlations Between Measures and Writing Quality"
2.5.3 Summary
2.6 Conclusions
2.6.1 Major Findings of This Study
2.6.2 Implications of This Study
2.6.3 Limitations of This Study
2.6.4 Suggestions for Further Study
Bibliography 英语词汇.句法以及语义的多视角研究

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