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新视野英语教程(3)读写教程(第二版)(2013版) 内容简介

  《新视野英语教程:读写教程3(第2版)/普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材》所选主题广泛,贴近学生生活,关注时代热点,体现职业特色,注重信息性、实用性和趣味性。课文体裁多样,语言地道、规范,课后练习紧扣课文内容,包括词汇、语法、翻译、写作、阅读、完形填空等项,既注重各项能力训练之间的衔接和互补,也注重篇章层次上的一体化技能训练。 《读写教程》第二版在**版基础上对各单元主题进一步提炼,更换了部分选篇,调整了部分课后练习,使选材更富时代性,练习更具针对性,从而更有效地提高学生的语言应用能力。

新视野英语教程(3)读写教程(第二版)(2013版) 目录

Unit 1 Home and Family
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: I Am Home
Section B
Text B: The Edge
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing E-mail Messages

Unit 2 Advertising
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Advertising
Section B
Text B: The Advertising Sell
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing "Help Wanted" Ads

Unit 3 Life Experience
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Life Is Full of Choices
Section B
Text B: The Accident
Section C
Practical Writing: Placing Orders

Unit 4 A Defining Moment
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: A Defining Moment
Section B
Text B: Have a Little Faith
Section C
Practical Writing: Filling In Invoices

Unit 5 Customs
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Naming Customs
Section B
Text B: Getting Along in the USA:Sorne Customs and Culture Tips
Section C
Practical Writing: Revision(1)

Unit 6 The Internet:Its Benefits and Problems
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Social lsolation and the lnternet
Section B
Text B: Tired of Google?Tired of Life!
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing 13usiness Letters (1)

Unit 7 Achieving Success
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Six Keys to Success
Section B
Text B: Dell Boy Made Good
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Business Letters (2)

Unit 8 Seeking a Job and Career
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A:New College Grad Job-Seeker Story
Section B
Text B: How to Plan Your Career
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Company Descriptions

Unit 9 Human Relationships
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Couple Finds Being "Two of a Kind" Is a Recipe for Happine
Section B
Text B: Business Partners
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Product Descriptions

Unit 10 Smart Machines and Peoples Life
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: The Machine That Knows Your Face
Section B
Text B: All Play and No Work
Section C
Practical Writing: Revision(2)
GLOSSARY 新视野英语教程(3)读写教程(第二版)(2013版)

外语 大学英语 大学英语教材


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