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作者:【英】Ian Wood

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直通剑桥商务英语(初级)练习册 本书特色

《直通剑桥商务英语(Pass Cambridge BEC,2nd Edition)》由美国圣智学习出版公司根据英国剑桥大学考试委员对BEC考试大纲的*修订为编目,以现代商务活动为素材编写而成。内容与考试紧密联系。除对课文进行详细讲解外,还辅以大量的自测练习、听力练习、对话练习和答案,既适合课堂教学又适合备考自学。

直通剑桥商务英语(初级)练习册 内容简介

《直通剑桥商务英语(Pass Cambridge BEC,2nd Edition)》由美国圣智学习出版公司根据英国剑桥大学考试委员对BEC考试大纲的近期新修订为编目,以现代商务活动为素材编写而成。内容与考试紧密联系。除对课文进行详细讲解外,还辅以大量的自测练习、听力练习、对话练习和答案,既适合课堂教学又适合备考自学。

直通剑桥商务英语(初级)练习册 目录

Unit 1 Jobs 1–4 Present simple Adverbs of frequency Job titles Terms and conditions Unit 2 Companies 5–8 Past simple Present continuous Setting up a company Industries and sectors Unit 3 Exam focus: Please note that there is no practice in the Workbook relating to Unit 3 of the Student’s Book. Unit 4 Communication 9–12 Modal verbs Letter phrases Documents Unit 5 Performance 13–16 Adjectives Adverbs Present perfect Results Diagrams Cause and effect Review 1 17–20 Present tenses Modal verbs Adjectives and adverbs Past simple and present perfect Vocabulary progress test Unit 6 Exam focus: Please note that there is no practice in the Workbook relating to Unit 6 of the Student’s Book. Unit 7 Products 21–24 Comparatives Superlatives Future arrangements Future intentions Describing products Product warranties Dimensions Unit 8 Offi ce equipment 25–28 Imperatives Countable and uncountable nouns Some and any Office equipment Office supplies Unit 9 Exam focus: Please note that there is no practice in the Workbook relating to Unit 9 of the Student’s Book. Unit 10 Business travel 29–32 Infinitives Predictions Air travel Food Booking a hotel Unit 11 Conferences 33–36 Time clauses Articles Agendas Arranging a conference Facilities Contents Grammar Vocabulary v Grammar Vocabulary Review 2 37–40 Futures Countable and uncountable nouns Comparatives and superlatives Articles Vocabulary progress test Unit 12 Exam focus: Please note that there is no practice in the Workbook relating to Unit 12 of the Student’s Book. Unit 13 Processes 41–44 Passive Conditionals (real possibility) Production Production jobs Unit 14 Financial services 45–48 Modal verbs (possibility) Gerunds Banking Financial services Job titles Unit 15 Exam focus: Please note that there is no practice in the Workbook relating to Unit 15 of the Student’s Book. Unit 16 International trade 49–52 Prepositions of time Obligation Transport Import / export Choosing a new supplier US / UK English Unit 17 Recruitment 53–56 Conditionals (hypothetical) Indirect questions Interviews Characteristics Personnel Review 3 57–60 Prepositions of time Passive; Conditionals Modal verbs; Gerunds Indirect questions Vocabulary progress test Unit 18 Exam focus: Please note that there is no practice in the Workbook relating to Unit 18 of the Student’s Book. Writing 61–64 Emails Formal letters Writing phrases Answer key 65–73

直通剑桥商务英语(初级)练习册 作者简介

Ian Wood,伦敦大学应用语言学和牛津大学英语语言文学专业毕业, 是剑桥大学ESOL考试中心多项考试(FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, BULATS and IELTS)的专家, 也是剑桥大学、伦敦大学、肯特大学和英文文化教育协会的顾问。出版过多部BEC考试指导用书,并被剑桥大学考试委员会列为推荐用书。本套Pass Cambridge BEC即为其经典之作。

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