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提高篇-感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 本书特色

《感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 提高篇》分为5章,分别为“生命的意义”“*美的行为”“真实的生活”“永恒的滋味”“美丽的旅程”。其中“生命的意义”的文章都是从各种容易忽视的小事中让你体会到人生的哲理,具有见微知著的效果;“*美的行为”的文章能让你体会励志回声,在生活学习工作中激起继续前行的力量;“真实的生活”的文章讲述生活各方面的事情和道理,通过各种生活的体现,给阅历尚浅的读者增加生活阅历;“永恒的滋味”的文章或讲述友情,或讲述亲情,或讲述爱情,或讲述对情感的领悟,内容丰富,情感细腻;“美丽的旅程”的文章可谓包罗万象,糅合了各种题材和内容,精彩十足。本书包含的每一篇美文都适合背诵记忆。如你能在日常的学习中信手拈来书中的优美词句,肯定会帮助你在英语学习中脱颖而出。

提高篇-感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 内容简介

《感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 提高篇》包含的每一篇美文都适合背诵记忆。如你能在日常的学习中信手拈来书中的优美词句,肯定会帮助你在英语学习中脱颖而出。

提高篇-感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 目录

**章 Meaning of Life 生命的意义 001 Lesson 1 Is It Worth It? 002 Lesson 2 Time Is a Bank 005 Lesson 3 On Study 008 Lesson 4 Don’t Wait Too Long and Miss the Opportunity 015 Lesson 5 The Patch of Life 018 Lesson 6 The Two Roads 022 Lesson 7 What Will Matter? 026 Lesson 8 Flying High 033 Lesson 9 The Cobbler and the Banker 038 Lesson 10 Relish the Moment 043 Lesson 11 Listen to Your Inner Voice 047 Lesson 12 The Bamboo Trees 052 Lesson 13 On Motes and Beams 057 Lesson 14 Dirt Roads 061 Lesson 15 Of Beauty 066 Lesson 16 Surmounting Life’s Obstacles. Do You Cling to What You Were Before? 070 Lesson 17 Silence 076 Lesson 18 The Perfect Life 080 Lesson 19 Feed Your Mind 083 Lesson 20 Companionship of Books 087 II 第二章 Garland of Beautiful Deeds *美的行为 091 Lesson 21 The Hope Is Just Ahead 092 Lesson 22 The Handhold of Life 095 Lesson 23 A Marvel 099 Lesson 24 Today and Tomorrow 101 Lesson 25 If 105 Lesson 26 Just for Today 109 Lesson 27 Do the Hard Things 112 Lesson 28 Don’t Quit, Keep Playing 116 Lesson 29 Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 120 Lesson 30 The Difference 125 Lesson 31 If I Rest, I Rust 129 Lesson 32 Not a Joke 133 Lesson 33 Be Yourself and Stay Unique 137 Lesson 34 The Best Day of My Life 141 Lesson 35 On Achieving Success 144 Lesson 36 Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself 148 Lesson 37 The Road to Success 152 Lesson 38 Facing the Enemies Within 156 Lesson 39 Ambition 160 Lesson 40 Giving Life Meaning 164 第三章 The Truest View of Life 真实的生活 167 Lesson 41 Don’t Complain 168 Lesson 42 Thank Living 172 Lesson 43 Happiness Is a Journey 175 Lesson 44 Three Days to See 179 Lesson 45 Abundance Is a Life Style 183 Lesson 46 Growing in the Middle Ground 186 Lesson 47 Life Comes in a Package 189 Lesson 48 The Goodness of Life 193 III Lesson 49 What I Have Lived For 196 Lesson 50 Live Today 199 Lesson 51 Life Is a Do-it-yourself Project 202 Lesson 52 Home on the Way 206 Lesson 53 The Life I Desired 210 Lesson 54 Being Yourself 213 Lesson 55 Love Your Life 217 Lesson 56 Waves of the Life 220 Lesson 57 Life’s Balance 223 Lesson 58 Every Living Person Has Problems 227 Lesson 59 Life Throws a Brick at Your Head 230 Lesson 60 Live in the Present Moment 234 第四章 The Taste of Eternity 永恒的滋味 239 Lesson 61 Love Oneself 240 Lesson 62 Promise to Yourself 243 Lesson 63 Love Without Measure 246 Lesson 64 Be Happy! 250 Lesson 65 I “Heard” the Love 253 Lesson 66 I’ll Paint You a Rainbow 256 Lesson 67 Home 259 Lesson 68 I Like the Subtle… 263 Lesson 69 Salty Coffee 266 Lesson 70 To My Dear Son 270 Lesson 71 I Like for You to Be Still 273 Lesson 72 Out of the Rolling Ocean, the Crowd. 275 Lesson 73 Our Love Is Simple as a Song 277 Lesson 74 You 280 Lesson 75 Clear Your Mental Space 283 Lesson 76 Warm Winter 286 Lesson 77 When Love Beckons You 289 IV Lesson 78 The Choice of Companion 292 Lesson 79 How Can I Like Myself? 295 Lesson 80 Make Way for Other’s Happiness 298 第五章 A Beautiful Journey 美丽的旅程 301 Lesson 81 The Road Not Taken 302 Lesson 82 Stray Birds 305 Lesson 83 Sunshine on a Rainy Day 308 Lesson 84 The Poetry of Late Summer 311 Lesson 85 Summer Sunrises on the Mississippi 314 Lesson 86 Once More to the Lake 317 Lesson 87 An October Sunrise 320 Lesson 88 Spotlight on Hawaii 323 Lesson 89 Feeling in Snow 326 Lesson 90 January Wind 328 Lesson 91 Hour in the Sun 331 Lesson 92 The Wild Swans at Coole 334 Lesson 93 To-morrow, and To-morrow, and To-morrow 337 Lesson 94 Gettysburg Address 339 Lesson 95 Bidding the Lovely Scenes at Distance Hail! 342 Lesson 96 Run Through the Rain 344 Lesson 97 Spring 348 Lesson 98 April Showers Bring May Flowers 351 Lesson 99 The Love of Beauty 354

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