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中国文化:饮食:Alimentos作者:刘军茹著 开 本:21×21cm 书号ISBN:9787508537399 定价:148.0 出版时间:2018-01-01 出版社:五洲传播出版社 |
中国文化:饮食:Alimentos 本书特色
The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.”丛书从源远流长的中国文化中,选取有代表性的10个领域和专题进行介绍,包括哲学思想、文学、艺术、汉字、节日、饮食、工艺、服饰、建筑、医药等10分册。通过流畅、轻松的文字和精美的图片,使海内外广大读者在愉快的阅读体验中,领略中国文化的丰富多彩、博大精深。整个系列中的每种图书既各自独立,综合起来又在精心搭就的框架下,勾勒出中国文化的总体面貌。到过中国的外国人,不仅常常惊叹于中国各地食品种类之繁多,而且更加艳羡中国菜口味的变化多端。尽管各地菜肴的口味不同,但“色香味”俱佳的菜品准则是一致的。讲吃福的中国人,在日常生活中处处体现着吃的乐趣、吃的悠闲,追寻着中国人自己的“吃的艺术”。这种饮食文化对于世界多元文化的影响已经远远超过了饮食本身。
The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.”
Foreigners who have been to China not only marvel at the numerous types of Chinese local foods, but also admire the changeful tastes of Chinese dishes. Though dishes in various areas have different tastes, “good colors, smells and tastes” are pursued for all dishes. Chinese people set great store by enjoyment of good foods, demonstrating joyful and leisurely eating in all aspects of daily life and pursuing their own “art of eating.” This eating culture’s influence on the world’s diversified cultures is far beyond eating itself.
中国文化:饮食:Alimentos 内容简介
关于饮食,中国有一句流传甚广的俗语——“民以食为天”,足见“吃”在中国人生活中的重要地位。中国人重视吃,也会吃。到过中国的外国人,不仅常常惊叹于中国各地食品种类之繁多,而且更加艳羡中国菜口味的变化多端。尽管各地菜肴的口味不同,但“色香味”俱佳的菜品准则是一致的。讲吃福的中国人,在日常生活中处处体现着吃的乐趣、吃的悠闲,追寻着中国人自己的“吃的艺术”。这种饮食文化对于世界多元文化的影响已经远远超过了饮食本身。 There is a widespread saying about foods and drinks in China – “food is the first necessity of the people.” It shows the important place of “eating” in Chinese people’s life. Chinese people pay attention to eating and know how to eat. Foreigners who have been to China not only marvel at the numerous types of Chinese local foods, but also admire the changeful tastes of Chinese dishes. Though dishes in various areas have different tastes, “good colors, smells and tastes” are pursued for all dishes. Chinese people set great store by enjoyment of good foods, demonstrating joyful and leisurely eating in all aspects of daily life and pursuing their own “art of eating.” This eating culture’s influence on the world’s diversified cultures is far beyond eating itself.
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